Sunday, May 31, 2009
"It's really warm!"

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Off to Sweden
Thursday, May 28, 2009
We might have a great arrival?!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The forgotten husband
So on Friday I’m leaving for Sweden for five weeks. It takes preparation and planning – lot’s of logistics to work out. Our fantastic, wonderful nanny is coming with me and will help out during three weeks while I’m working. The other day we talked about logistics of getting to the airport and I offered for her to stay in our house if she wanted to save some time in the morning on the departure day – but also said that I assumed she wanted to be with her husband as much as possible before leaving. Which of course she wanted – they’re going to be separated for three weeks after all.
And then I realized that I’m actually leaving mine for five weeks and I haven’t really had time to worry about that or even think about it. Is this what happens a bit into a marriage with kids – that you don’t even think about being away for five weeks, haha!
But it actually might have to do with the fact that the two first years of our relationships we lived on two contents and were separated for months at a time and sort of got used to it (but still hated it).
Oh, well, I WILL miss him – and this is in reality the way it’s going to be in summer times in our lives as long as we live here. Getting the kids to Sweden to be with grandparents, boosting their Swedish and getting their share of the Bolibompa, Storstrut and Lustiga Huset– separation is the price we have to pay. But hopefully, in the long run, it will pay off dearly.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mrs Husband
I’ve written about this before too and how much it annoys me- the tradition to address a married woman with her husband’s name and this "Mrs" thing. And even though traditions in general can be nice (after all I'm a sucker for Swedish keep Swedish traditions alive and learn American ones), this is one that is just pure way too old fashioned to be kept alive. Why do you have to differentiate women between married one and not married - when you enver differentiate the men? I read this article about it the other day - which confirmed how firmly rooted this tradition is here.
Even though I opted to take my husband’s name when I got married (luckly his was perfectly fine and nice so it wasn’t a too hard of a decision) – I still have my own first name, thank you very much. And just like the author of the article - how are you then supposed to address divorced women? Do you then loose your "Mrs" and become a "Ms"?
So if you sent me an invitation to Mr and Mrs TheHusbandsFirstandLastName I might now show up just out of pure spite.

I’m a sucker for "funkis" houses – I think I’ve written about this before. This house, from an article in one of the major dailies in Sweden, is located outside Stockholm – and oh… *dreaming*…
ONE day I will live in a house like this if so I have to get a custom lot and build one here and totally shock my Californian neighbors…
Monday, May 25, 2009
Packing bags
Instead of taking off for the weekend like most friends did – I sent the family off and had the house to myself. Not to enjoy but to pack. The packing for five weeks in Sweden in June and July needs to include a variety of stuff. Rain boots, swim suit, fleece sweater, shorts. It could be +12C and rainy or +28C and sunny. You just never now – and sometimes the weather changes during the day. In other words – in Stockholm there is actually “weather” compared to summer here – when it’s just sunny all the time. After spreading out stuff all over the house - after four hours I had packed four suitcases (one big, three small - just so you don’t think I’m over doing it) and all the hand luggage – including tickets, passports etc.
I have a serious amout of electronics with me - loaded with new movies. After all - a movie is 1,5 hour long - and you need every minute of entertainment for the kids...
Now I only need to add my laptop, work files and the kids' shoes and we’re ready for our 26 hour trip door to door next Friday. Or ready… well, prepared. I’ll be very happy when it’s over.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Meeting a Swedish alien
I decided to "celebrate" Kristihimmelsfärd after all. No one was sending any e-mails from Sweden anyway. I fled the heat and headed to a cool shopping mall on Thursday to get some stuff for my upcoming trip to Sweden.
The fellow Swedish Alien Paul was in the neighborhood and we met in a empty food court at the mall for a "fika". Not the optimal “fik” – but at least they had coffee.
It’s always interesting to compare notes with other Swedish aliens – especially those who like me work for a Swedish company and juggle Swedish holidays, phone conferences on strange hours and a usual lack of understanding on how far away California really is...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Long weekend?
This year the Swedish holiday ”Kristihimmelfärd” and Memorial weekend happened to be around the same weekend. Memorial weekend is the official start of summer and a weekend when you remember fallen heroes. Kristihimmelsfärd weekend is when you celebrate… hm… wait a minute… really nothing – but just take a nice break in May.
When you work for a Swedish company in the US things get tricky… which day should you take off? Kristihimmelfärd (which was on Thursday with Friday as a day in between) or Memorial Day (which is on Monday). Or both… But that would be using up a lot of vacation day that you might rather spend this summer…
On the Thursday no one will answer the phone in Sweden and on Monday no one will answer here…
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
View from a car

Monday, May 11, 2009
Sandwich, ice cream, coffee - or a "fik"?

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Thursday, May 07, 2009
"Thousands evacuated in the US"

Sunday, May 03, 2009
Polarn&Pyret in the US