Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I’m a sucker for "funkis" houses – I think I’ve written about this before. This house, from an article in one of the major dailies in Sweden, is located outside Stockholm – and oh… *dreaming*… 

ONE day I will live in a house like this if so I have to get a custom lot and build one here and totally shock my Californian neighbors…


tom said...

Fast det där ser inte så charmigt ut.

Ally said...

Jacalica, are you familiar with the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright? I think you might enjoy some of his homes. He is well-known for having designed the Guggenheim museum, but he also created some beautiful homes that combined some of the "funkis" aspects with nature.

Tom: Jag håller inte med.

JaCal said...

Tom - ;-) TUR att smaken är delad - jag gillar dessa raka linjer...

Ally - yes - like his things - but can't say I've seen his homes - have to check that out!