My main concern would be that they will broadcast all the programs in real time (ie Swedish time) - alas when I'm asleep or on other weird hours. I have enough issues with time difference within this country (like watching the Oscars at 5 pm for example) - and do not want to have to catch Swedish programs during midday when I'm working.
The Husband disagrees and think you can just record the programs you want to see - but then what would be the point? Isn't the whole point of having satellite TV to be able to sit down and just catch whatever is on? If I have to plan in advance and record TV programs - I could as well use the online service SVTPlay or eventually get the DVD for a specific TV series I want to see?
If I lived in Europe I wouldn't hesitate - but with 9 hours time difference - I'm not so sure it would add value. When looking at the current schedule it seems as if the programs will show reruns on the evening local news during prime time hours here...
Have to think about it...