Until about 1,5 years ago - when we had a family who moved in across from us, choosing to rent rather than buy. We hit it off from the start - they had kids the exact age as ours and they were just very nice to hang out with. The cul-de-sac looked like a amusement park some days, filled with bikes, balls and chalk drawings. We would take turn watch the kids - giving each set of parent some more free time around the house. And the kids really liked each other.
Then came the economic downturn... and our neighbor lost his job a couple of weeks ago. That means among other things no health insurance through his job and considering they are expecting their third child - this isn't a very optimal situation.
Two weeks ago they took a trip back to family in Salt Lake City, and the fact that they haven't yet returned probably indicates that they will try to resettle there - closer to the family and support.
It that is the case our little cul-de-sac will be so very, very quiet again... Good neighbors are sure hard to find.
Det var verkligen tråkiga nyheter! Förstår att ni är ledsna.
That's too bad -- good neighbors are beyond measure. We live in a small college town, so have had many transient neighbors, mostly students, in the dozen years we've lived here. The young families were the best.
TinTin - ja, vi hoppas att vi har fel - men tyvärr tror vi knappt själva på det... det vore helt logiskt för dem att flytta... och usch det kommer verkligen minska den dagliga livskvaliteten...
Christina - they sure are! We haven't been spoiled on our street - we didn't know what we were missing - and now it's going to be soo quiet... I can only imagine the changes you go through in a college town!
Vad trakigt for er och speciellt for dina barn, att forlora sina lek
kamrater. Hoppas allt ordnar sig for dom, usch hemskt att forlora jobbet i dessa harda tider.
Vad tråkigt! Hoppas ni har en mejladress och kan hålla kontakten!
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