It gives me a headache and I'm so HAPPY that there are CPAs out there who really know and like solving puzzles like this. My American CPA is sent from heaven - she talks "normal" language and calms me down when I come with frizzled hair and panicking eyes with all the paper work and cryptic e-mails from my Swedish CPA on tax regulations and forms.
I really hope that I never have to go through an audit. Not that I have anything to hide, not at all, but it just stresses me out totally. I hardly don't understand "tax languages" in Swedish - in English it's like speaking Chinese...
Hopefully we're all done next week and can file (my three!!) tax returns and forget about the whole thing until next March...
Japp det är aldrig kul att deklarera. Förra året kom jag undan dock eftersom M deklarerade. Första gången vi deklarerade som gifta så vi filade rillsammans vilket gjorde att det räckte med en deklaration. Undrar om han vill att jag gör den iår då...? Hum???!!!
Fast jag tror inte det. han brukar vilja ha koll i vilket fall.
Det som känns surt är att man även måste deklarera i Sverige...
Oh how frustrating this must be for you. I don't understand my one english tax filing and hope the CPA does what is right. It is all anxiety producing stuff!
Kathy b
Tax time just really sucks for us all. I am glad the bureaucracy between two countries isn't getting you down too much.
hi ja
wht i find is u r tooooooooo busy
good thing i must say.
cud i wish u a very very happy Holi...
in this part of the planet we are going to celebrate this festival of colors tomorrow...
thanks n regards
Saltistjejen - det är trist och jobbigt och tråkigt... jag måste göra tre deklarationer - en i Sverige, en här och en för företaget... det känns som minst två för många. Jag är dock klara med alla underlag - nu väntar jag bara på att alla skattemyndigheter ska ha rätt siffror för vad de vill dra för olika skatter...
Kathy - it sure is... I wonder if there have every been attempts somewhere in the world for a tax authority to try to make the process easier.. oh, well. Soon it can be put behind us. Until next year...
Indie - it's been pretty bad the last couple of years until the Swedish one finally "let go" of me... stressful times...
Anonymous - well happy color celebration - sounds like a fun celebration!
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