It's like... mushy sugar... The different jelly beans are supposed to taste different (there is even a long list of the 50 official different flavors), but maybe I've eaten to few, they all taste the same to me.
The JellyBelly (the company that makes these jelly beans) headquarters' is located between here and San Francisco, in Fairfield, CA, where they have a visitor's center and you can do a guided tour (and unfortunately probably get to taste a lot of jelly beans...). We haven't informed the kids about this and hopefully it will take a couple of years until they realize this proximity...
Couldn't agree with you more! They look nice but taste YUK! Just like most North American candy that isn't chocolate.
I can't believe all this dissing of poor little innocent Jelly Beans! What is the difference between these and say, Swedish fish???
Chocolate rules, though!
Hahaha :) I didn't used to like them but guess they got to me! but it has to be the real Jelly Beans and not some copy. They look so pretty in a bowl too if you get a mix of colours/flavours.
Jaha, nu skrev jag på engelska men det gör nog ingenting :)
Håller med till 100%! Jag har vid några desperata tillfällen köpt några påsar Jelly Beans på Marshalls, i brist på annat... men nä, tror att jag slängt hälften. De är INTE GODA! Och Swedish Fish smakar INTE som svensk fisk, så det så!!
Jag var överlycklig när jag hittade sådana där klassiska dragéägg på Domus (ICA hade INGET påskgodis framme) innan jag åkte tillbaka till PR! Mitt favoritpåskgodis!
Hahahah.... vi har i min familj (alla som är Svenskar och bor i USA) skratta åt dessa små äckliga godisbitar i snart 20 år. När min syster först åkte till USA som Au Pair 1989 ringde hon hem i förtvivlan och berättade att det fanns godis som smakade som kanel i USA och den värsta choklad hon någonsin smakat. Vad gjorde vi innan Ikea close by.
Ewa - they sure do... It's fun idea - just as with Crayola crayons that come in all these nicely named colors... but no... no Jelly Beans for us.
Indie - ;-) Swedish fish isn't really my favorite either (and Swedish fish is actually more American than Swedish I would say - here you can find the bags everywhere - but in Sweden they are outnumbered by other, nicer candy...) - but you might be on to something. But then, Swedish fish taste like... Swedish fish and is more "firm" - with a Jelly Bean you never know... ;-)
Anna - they DO look pretty - I like pictures of them. They haven't gotten to us yet - but then we have only been here a decade haha! It might come.
Petchie - det är så extremt söta - som att äta socker. Tacka vet jag europeisk choklad...
Jeanette - kanel godis... hualigen... Jag brukar köpa med mig amerikanskt godis hem till Sverige - till mina vänners barns stora glädje. ;-)
Förut var jag ett stort fan av dessa och gillade dem jättemycket men har helt kommit över det nu när jag bor här. Som så mycket av det amerikanska godiset så smakar det inte mycket utan bara sött. Det är BARA socker med färg. Rätt värdelöst då man jämför med svenskt lösgodis. Ha en trevlig påsk och kul att ni kombinerar både de svenska traditionerna och de amerikanska.
Well now I am awfully curious about Swedish candy and eager to try some. But now I am also not sure about what to include in the America Box I am making for my friend's kids in Sweden. I thought candy would be a good thing to include, but now I'm not so sure. I'll be sure NOT to include any "små äckliga godisbitar." Haha!
Desiree - ja, svenskt lösviktsgodis står sig bra i konkurrensen (även om det finns en hel del "socker med färg" där också).
Indie - ;-) The kids will LOVE American candy (the comments above are all from boring adults...) - I'm always the most popular parent friend when I bring American candy to Swedish kids... I don't have to eat it myself. ;-) And you should include jelly beans - after all - they are pretty big here!
Jelly beans = vile, nasty
But the grossest Easter "thing" you can ever be forced to try are Peeps. They are so sick, don't even bother buying them. It's sugar that has been mixed enough with something to hold a form and colored to look like chicks. I just shuddered thinking about them.
There are gross jelly beans, but Jelly Belly Jelly Beans actually are really good. Honestly I don't understand why you would deprive your kids of them simply because YOU don't like how they taste?
The starburst kind are good as well. But those two brands are it. All other brands are absolutely disgusting and most American's agree about that for sure.
Guys!! Jelly Beans is the BEST candy in the US!! I love them!! And I am not joking!!
My Sister, lives in Sthlm, orders them every time I come home. So there are at least some Swedes that like Jelly Bellys!!
I am one, my sister is one and her kidfs...
I am crazy about them, and Swedish Fish too!!
Yes, indeed!!!
I'm wondering if it was the Harry Potter "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans" you guys are eating--- dirt flavor, ink flavor, caviar flavor...and worse. hahahahaha.
I can see how those could make you hate jelly beans.
Ally - ;-) We got a packages of Peeps one of the first years hear and after taking our first bite we thought we made a mistake and eaten decorations... that they were not supposed to be eaten... ;-)
Anonymous - well, thankfully taste and preferences are different - and obviously JellyBelly Beans is doing just fine regardless of my distaste of them. ;-) If you follow this blog regularly you would know that I don't "deprive" my kids from anything American - however when it comes to candy and sweets - I can say that I discriminate equally between Swedish and American candy. ;-)
Annika - haha - well great! Maybe I start bringing some home to friends here. I love the look of them and when I was looking for a picture for this blog post I found so many nice ones - lots of colors! So I wouldn't mind having them in a nice jar... just not eat them. ;-)
Indie - haha - I'm sure Rowling must have found some inspiration from Jelly Beans.
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