Pretty often I have to stay up late for an early morning meeting Swedish time, and then get up really early for an early afternoon meeting Swedish time - thus my sleep hours are squeeze together to mere few hours.
If I get down to my office at 8 am, which isn't really early, but not really late, it's 5 pm in Stockholm. Since most people at the office in Stockholm don't live in the office as I do, they actually have to leave and go home, pick up kids, get food etc (my commute is about 15 seconds - and there is never rush hours), so I usually only have about an hour or so before people start being unavilabe. Thus - I try to get up earlier to get some more time. But the earlier I get up, the more "groggy" I am.
But usually, these few hours are not enough, and I need to catch them in the morning. 8 am in Stockholm is 11 pm here. If I stay up later, I have even more chances of catching them - must people are in by 9 am... midnight here. But the later I stay up, the more "groggy" I am.
Sometimes I wonder what some of my colleagues think of me... "oh, it's that groggy woman calling again, yawning and sounding really sleepy"...
(Screenshot of my dual clocks on my Google Sidebar - so I can keep track of the time in Sweden when it's really early or really late and I can't calculate time...).
9 timmar är nog den sämsta tidsskillnaden som finns. 12 timmar hade ju tom varit bättre... Sedan undrar jag varför jag skriver på engelska ibland och på svenska ibland... fast det kan ju knappast du svara på :-).
Hoppas det blir en helg i Seattle i april. Är i stort behov av fniss, snack och cosmos.
Hi, I just discovered your blog. I'm a third generation Swedish-American trying to learn to speak Swedish. So I try to translate (but not very well) what I read in Swedish here. It's so interesting to find out more about how our countries compare, since I wish to visit Sweden someday. I live in California too. Thanks for writing all this!
Ja det är fasiken inte lätt med sådana stora tidskillnader. Jag tycker du löser det bra även om det nog blir en hel del sena kvällar för din din del låter det som. Här är det bara 7 timmars skillnad och det känns fullt tillräckligt det också. Fast jag slipper ju ha jobbmöten med sverige iallfall och det underlättar helt klart. Ha en skön helg.
Anna - ja... den är lite hopplös... är avis på de som bor i New York.
Indie - welcome here! Thanks for reading! Yes - this blog is all about comparing life in Sweden with life here in California. ;-) How great that you are learning to speak Swedish!
Desiree - 7 timmar gör ju att man har fler timmar på morgonen - men inga på kvällen - och det finns nog både för och nackdelar... meck är det i vilket fall. Men eftersom jag har fullt med jobbmöten blir det på tok för lite tid till familj och vänner - då sitter jag mest i telefon med kollegor...;-(
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