Friday, December 12, 2008

Lucia at IKEA

For the second year the kids participated in the Swedish Lucia procession at our IKEA. It's weird how natural it feels to see these cute little kids, all dressed up, pass by the bookshelf Billy and the sofa chair Poäng. Right at home... ;-) A lot of surprised customers looked like they wondered what crazy thing was going on...

I'm not sure how many part from family and fiends to the participants that actually were there watching the show in the restaurants (or just happened to be eat- but I really don't care. I really love that I get this opportunity to see a Lucia procession at least once. That is really one thing I can miss from Sweden.

We enjoyed it a lot (even though there might be a few better choirs out there, singing the Lucia songs.. even though this of course were the cutest). IKEA invited everyone for lussebullar (!) and glögg afterwards - very nice!


Anonymous said...

Vad gulligt!! Synd att jag missade det..:( Generöst av Ikea att bjuda på Lussebullar och glögg!
Kul att dina barn får chansen att värna om de Svenska tradionerna som utlandssvenskar.
Är så glad att min dotter fick chansen att vara Lucia här på den årliga Svenska jul och Lucia festen.

Anna, Fair and True said...

Vad roligt att Ikea ordnar det! Jag får alltid för mig dock att utlänningarna ska tror att stjärngossarna är något Ku Klux Klan-folk!

JaCal said...

Veronika - ja, det var lite mysigt och lagom kaosartat. ;-) Det var inga många lussebullar och de gick åt med alla svenskar... Det är lite kul att det blir av det där tåget - jag har inte stött på något annat. Hon fick lussa på Lucia dagen också.

Anna - haha - ja... tänk jag brukar fundera på samma sak... måste ju se helskumt ut. Och sen frågar ju alla "varför har de strutar på huvudet" och jag brukar humma lite och tänka att jag MÅSTE verkligen läsa på mer till nästa år så jag har ett bra svar... ;-)

Petchie75 said...

Vilken underbar tradition - Ikea är verkligen superbra på att föra ut svenska traditioner i världen!! Undra om det är vanligt med luciatåg på de olika Ikea-varuhusen? Jag har inte hört talas om att de hade luciatåg på vårt Ikea i Bryssel...

JaCal said...

Petra - ja, det är ett riktigt moderskepp - haha! Kanske finns det fler svenska institutioner i Europa och i en stad som Bryssel. Här var det ju i princip det enda luciatåget som fanns. ;-)

Ally said...

I was a tad annoyed that one person wasn't appropriately dressed but was instead a "Candy Raccoon". It's not frickin' Halloween people!

Anyway, hopefully as they get older and have more children, we can get more songs under our belts, uh er, red sashes and really sing some songs.

It would be nice if we could be somewhere dark-ish too. How are we to bring light into the darkness from the Lamp/Light department. ;-)

JaCal said...

Ally - yes who was that?? Weird... I think they did a very good job considering that so many were so small with tiny voices. I thought someone said they were going to lower the lights - but I didn't notice any changes. Oh, well - I'm just happy the kids got to experience it - and maybe next year we can do one in another location too - were it can be darker.

Ally said...

My friend in NYC had hers a the Swedish Church there and it was gorgeous. Alas, we don't have those kinds of numbers here.

Who was that? A boy who clearly has way too much say in some things. I'm all for personal choice but he did have a choice- gingerbread man, starboy, or elf. *rolls eyes* I am clearly too conservative sometimes.

JaCal said...

Ally - I'm conservative too - and considering the fuzz about multiple Lucias last year - I'm surprised... ;-) I rather have a bunch of mini Lucias than a Raccoon...

Well, if we plan ahead with invitations to friends and family we might get a little audience in a dark room somewhere... ;-)

Ally said...

He didn't bring anything else so it would be denying a 6 year old something he's practiced for or letting him strut around like a wanna-be superhero.

I complained and they were none too pleased either. So I think this is the last you've seen of the Candy Raccoon.