After a very, very hectic and interesting week, I'm back in California from my east coast trip, my head full with thoughts and impressions. Not only did I meet interesting people, it also was a very historical time to be in Washington - you could feel the history being played out around you. On election day you met people everywhere with "I voted" stickers. In all our meetings we got first hand thoughts and analysis on the election result (and we met people from both "sides") and I really learned a lot about the life of a presidential campaign.
I didn't have a chance to update the blog (nor did I have time to visit fellow blogger Annika in Reston which I really, really wanted) - but now I'm back home, with a little more time on my hands.
As a substitute for posts the past week, I'm sharing a few photos that I managed to take "on the go".
Washington is full of official buildings.
Just when I was about to take a picture of the White House on a unexpected lunchbreatk, they closed "fence side" and we were rushed off - and my camera was focused on the fence and not the house... and I wasn't allowed to stay and take more pictures. Maybe the President (who wasn't seen much during election week) was about to take a walk in the garden.
The Capitol from from inside the bus. on my way from one meeting to another...
It's a very impressive building on top of a hill - and this picture taken on
a gray day doesn't make it justice.
Election night in House of Sweden - the Swedish Embassy. The Swedish broadcaster TV4 was sending live from the embassy.
It's 11.01 pm and Obama is projected to be the next President by CNN, one of five news feed that could be watched live at the embassy.
Obama is on stage in Chicago and everyone in the room is watching.
Back in New York before going back to California. A bird has found a great place to view the Statue of Liberty.
I was in California on 9-11 and I haven't been in New York since. I wanted to visit Ground Zero and see it for myself. I was up in the towers in 1993.
What an amazing life you lead. You saw all those things! Thanks for sharing the pics with us :)
Så synd att vi inte kunde ses. DU hade så mkt att göra så jag förstår ju att det bara inte GICK. Nästa ggn du kommer hit ska vi ses,jacal!
Smått otroligt var det förra veckan. Glädjen och lyckan bara underströk hur historiskt detta är!!
Nu har det redan gått en vecka...Och snart sitter Obama själv i Vita Huset!
Kram från ett soligt och kallt DC!!
Men jaCal, du var i NYC! Om du hört av dig kunde vi kanske setts!!!?? Fast du verkar ju ha varit väldigt busy så kanske du var för stressad?
Skönt att du är hemma nu. Hoppas du kan pusta ut lite.
Coolt att de sände från DC i Sverige under valvakan tycker jag! :-)
Britgirl - well, my trip could have been to... hm... the plains of Ohio? ;-) I was just lucky.
Annika - jaaaaa... det var tristast av allt... om jag inte hade hållit i hela programmet hade jag ju bara kunnat smyga iväg - men det var stört omöjligt nu. Men jag ska nog komma igen - ska bara ta en liten paus från flygadet...
Saltistjejen - ja - jag vet! Jag satt konstant i taxibilar och tittade längs gatorna om jag skulle se dig - haha! Ja, denna gång var det tyvärr helt omöjligt att ses - men jag kommer nog till New York ett par gånger nästa år pga av jobbet - och då ska jag åka med god marginal så vi kan ses! Ja, SVT sände också direkt - båda kanalerna sände hela natten. Makalöst stort intresse i Sverige.
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