Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A historic night

It was a historic night tonight. I spent it in the beautiful House of Sweden, the Swedish Embassy, by the Potomac River here in Washington. Seconds after Virgina had been declared Obama's and the polls on the west coast had closed, at 11 pm almost to the second, CNN called for Obama as the winner.

I'm not sure I will be able to sleep yet - the streets of Georgetown where I'm staying are filled with honking cars and cheering people - they all seem to be heading down to the White House to party.


Christina said...

I live in a small city in CA and I too have been hearing honking horns with an occasional firecracker thrown in. There were so many younger people today at the precinct -- I'm elated that people shook off their apathy and VOTED and that the right man got the job.

Annika said...

Ja jösses, Jacal!!! Vilken kväll!! Precis, det var rätt så exakt klockan 23 som vi fick veta både om presidentvalet och Virginia.
Jag känner mig dubbelt glad idag...

Vilka SCENER som visades från Georgetown och andra ställen i DC! Vilken lycka och vilket jubel. Förstår att du hade svårt att sova...

Men vilken underbar dag!!!

Mia said...

Jag e såå avundsjuk på dig, JaCal som får vara mitt i händelsernas centrum.

Vilken fantastisk dag. Får en klump i halsen bara jag tänker på det!!

Världens känns som en riktigt "good place" idag.

Isle Dance said...

What a beautiful photo! :o)

BritGirl said...

Yes it is a nice picture. What camera do you use? Mine doesn't do night shots.

PS Are you getting my mails? I know you're really really busy so no worries,it's just that I want to know if you are actually even recieving them anymore. I hope I haven't been talking to myself! Lol!

Anna, Fair and True said...

Jag är så avis att du fick vara där vid ett sådant historiskt tillfälle!

Anonymous said...

Dax att uppdatera bloggen snart? Jag väntar med spänning..

JaCal said...

Christina - Georgetown was wild! ;-) You had to watch out when crossing the street, drivers were focused on different thing. It was an amazing night.

Annika - ja, det var verkligen helt otroligt. De som gick tog sig ner till Vita Huset (de fick gå nästan hela vägen - alla taxibilar var fulla av folk på väg in) sa att det var helt makalöst...

Mia - ja, det kändes verkligen som att vara i händelsernas centrum. Häftigt!

Isle Dance - thanks! It's a beautiful house on a beautiful spot in Washington. Too bad it was pitch dark when we were there.

Britgirl - I have a Nikon D70 - and used a trash can as a substitute tripod... Yes I'm getting your mail - just have been way too much latetly and I'm behind on all my private conversations... I'm waking up to a wall of e-mails from work every day and never seem to get through them before it's time to hit the sac. Sorry - will get to them now when I'm off airplanes for a bit.

Anna - ja, det kändes verkligen otroligt kul att vara där just då.

Anonymous - jadå - nu är jag tillbaka igen och inte på språng som en galning på östkusten... ;-)

BritGirl said...

Ok no worries. Just wanted to know that you were getting them.
It must be tiring for you these days. You do so much!!