I subscribe to tons of e-mail newsletters from my favorite stores, keeping track of sales and specials. The sales here are great - you can get items for a fraction of the original price (and as I try to convince the Husband - you actually save money by finding things on sales! I don't know why he isn't convinced).
And you can find everything you need online. My favorite pair of capri jeans I've been wearing all summer are falling apart. I don't have the energy to go and try to find a replacement pair - not at the end of season when the stores are filling up with fall clothes (yes, there is an end of season here - despite the detail that it will be summer temperatures for a couple of more months). And they fit me great and I love them.
Hepp - I just googled "Levis 515 capri jeans" and found them online, in the right size and the right color. On sale - 50% off, free shipping. By the end of the week my old ones can go to pants heaven and I can hopefully use my new ones.
Jag gillar också online handligen, och mall handligen också, for that matter :-)
Gillar shopping.
Tycker det är så lätt att handla online här, det går snabbt och varorna kommer på nolltid. Har sällan blivit besviken.
Annika - haha! ;-) Ja, det är otroligt lätt! Har precis försökt köpa Bamse-kalsonger från Lindex.se och få det skickat till mina föräldrar... med mitt svenska kreditkort med en annan adress... paketet tycks ha kommit fram - men så långt bort att de måste ta bilen och hämta... suck.
I love online shopping, too! Now I'm trying to find and buy a Swedish Mail Post Box (and maybe one that locks) online. Do you know of any online Swedish sites that might sell these? I'm guessing they're free via Posten, if you're a customer? And that's why they're not for sale online? Funny, huh?!
i had very bads experiencies buying on line in sweden...aagghhhh!!!
that's why i miss California!!!!!
Isle dance - how interesting! I've seen them - and I saw one in San Francisco a couple of months ago, someone used one outside their house. I have no idea where you can get them - I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I find a place!
Carlos - I'm sorry to hear - and it sure is easier to do online shopping here when everything comes to the door (especially for me who works from home and is here all day). Hard to beat that convenience.
http://www.mailboxshoppe.com carries a white locking Swedish mailbox (click residential, then click wall mount, then click locking mailboxes)
http://www.mailboxnet.com/wall/swedish.html carries a bunch of non-locking boxes
And...I think they're the same online shop, but with different names.
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