It's surprising how little some of the cars sales people really know. WE knew more than most of them. Or are we just too well researched? Sigh. Some of them were frustratingly uninformed - and took wild guesses on things we actually knew were not true. Are they so uninterested to sell minivans? I bet if we would have come in for a sports car in yellow, they would have been able to answer all of our questions.
Oh, well. Now we have climbed in and out of third row seats, folded second row seats, flattening the cargo space and checked all our questions marks. We got most of our questions answered done when the sales person left us to ourselves and we could climb around in peace.
Next time we visit a car dealership is hopefully when we are going there to pick up the actual car. From now on we'll do everything over the internet. Prices have dropped since we started researching in April and we printed tons of papers from different websites. Sure interesting to compare... the manufacture's rebates are higher - and hopefully the car dealers are a little more desperate to unload some of their inventory.
The talk of the day in the US is the high gas prices - we still have the Swedish prices in our memory - and it's still half price almost...
One of the remaining questions are how important the color of the car is... the Husband seems to care less... but I really don't want a red or a blue car... which seems to be the most common minivan colors... Oh, well. I guess I will be inside the car for the most of the time and then I won't see the color.
An aerial picture of the automall we went to today. Everything you see withing the
triangle of the major road (with the smaller circle road in the middle) is car dealers...
Every little car dot you see is a car for sale (click on the picture for a larger version).
triangle of the major road (with the smaller circle road in the middle) is car dealers...
Every little car dot you see is a car for sale (click on the picture for a larger version).
(Oh, and thanks Rachel for you comment the other day - that made us include the Odyssey on our list and it sure had some interesting features!!)
Oj! Jag kan tyvärr itne ge några råd eftersom jag i stort sett aldrig ägt en bil i hela mitt liv. Än minfre en minivan...
Hoppas ni hittar någon som passar er iallafall!
Konstigt det där med att de är så dåligt pålästa försäljarna. Tycker det är likadant med t ex mobiltelefonförsäljare här jmfrt med Sverige. Här vet de i stort sett ingenting om man går in i en affär och frågar.
Haha! Det enda jag satte som villkor när vi skulle köpa vår minivan var att den ABSOLUT INTE skulle vara röd.
Och här sitter jag med en röd...
Saltistjejen - haha - ja, i en storstad är det mer bekymmer... innan jag kom hit hade jag haft körkort i typ 12 år men aldrig ägt en bil och mina "miles" var inget att skryta med alls... Ja, lite mysko - det är ju rätt stora pengar det handlar om. Mobilförsäljare är helt patetiska i detta land - de har verkligen ingen susning... du ska höra en konversation mellan min geek-make och en mobil-clerk... "God dag yxskaft" för hela slanten.
Victoria - haha! Ja, det säger jag också... vi får väl se... vill verkligen verkligen _inte_ ha en röd... ;-)
By the sounds of it,we are both interested in the same cars! Lol!
Stalker may end up with identical car!
Britgirl - well, wouldn't that be great! We're really satisfied with our choice... if you want any of our inside help - don't hesitate to ask... we have all the research fresh in our heads... it will all be gone in a few weeks to hurry to use us!! We wouldn't mind at all - would be even more worth if all our research did someoneelse good to!
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