We made it.
23 hours door to door.
Gosh, that is a long trip (when are these beam machines becoming reality??). Especially when you have kids with you. Traveling with children means being on constant duty, having to be one step ahead all the time,. you can never really let your guard down and relax. I was totally exhausted - even though I've done this on a regular basis by now. The Husband hasn't been flying with kids since 2005 - and then it was only one - so he was probably even more exhausted than I...
When we finally arrived home, the smoke from all the fires in Northern California wasn't too bad. A neighbor told us that at one point, she could hardly see the houses across the street. Actually the smell of smoke was worse inside the house than outside - nothing that a quick opening of all the windows could clear out.
Oh, how sweet to be back, in your own house...
To think that I moan about eleven hours to England! I think you need a medal to fly all that time with little ones.
I bet your house looked quite sad without those little people buzzing around in it!
Välkommen hem igen!
Förstår att det måste vara ett äventyr att flyga med barn! Men nu är ni hemma och ni verkar ha haft en ritkigt underbar semester i Sverige!
Jag hoppas att jetlagen inte blir alltför jobbig.
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