Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stockholm on $251

Today had an article on how to get around in Stockholm, "one of Europe's most expensive cities" for a day, spending "only" $251. It's always fun to read what spots travel journalist will pick... I must say, I wouldn't mind being in the journalist shoes, especially making that stop at Designtorget (a cool place for design stuff - and they actually get directly linked from the article on - way to go!) or drinking that cup of hot chocolate at Kaffekoppen...

You can read the article here.


Annika said...

Den där artikeln läste jag på Barnes and Noble häromdagen i National Geographic Travel. Fick nästan hemlängtan....ÅÅÅÅÅÅ....Tyckte den var jättetrevligt skriven!!!

JaCal said...

Annika - ja - visst var den! Blev så sugen att bara strosa i Stockholm...