Saturday, February 16, 2008

The most boring airport?

I'm at O'Hare again. This must be the most boring airport in the world. Or is it just because I travel through here way too often?

No matter what time of year you pass by, the air inside this airport is hot and humid. Today it is -10C outside, but inside it feels like warm summer. For the first time in a couple of years I can spend my waiting time in the lounge. It's not much better, even though there are nice sofa chairs to sit in. They offer a full bar and snacks. The air is just as bad here as in the rest of the terminal, but at least it's a bit more quiet.

Maybe I hate this place so much because it's just a waiting point? A place I rather not spend anytime at all? When going back home to California I just want to get on that plane and get home as fast as possible and every minute I have to spend here feels like a minute of waste.

Oh, well. Maybe I'll just have another glass of water and another strawberry... soon I'm going to be home.

(before I could post this I ran out of batteries and had packed the adapter in my suitcase...).


Lullun said...

Det är inte bara du; O'Hare ÄR verkligen en tråkig flygplats. Och det tycker jag trots att jag bara passerat 4 gånger. Faktiskt var den rätt tråkig redan den 1:a... :-)

JaCal said...

Lullun - haha... ja, det säger något... vill inte ens tänka på hur många gånger jag varit på Chicago.. skulle nog kunna ta mig runt med bindel för ögonen....