Sunday, January 13, 2008

Not everything is bigger in America

This "city" for example. Kyburz on highway 50 between Sacramento and and South Lake Tahoe. Must be one of the smallest one I've ever driven through. I just absolutely love this sign.


Isle Dance said...

That is too cute. :o)

Anonymous said...

Jag tror att du har bytt plats på vokalerna. Det står Kubyrz i din text men Kyburz på skylten :-)

Arne, Stockholm

Annika said...

That is so cute...I would love to see it myself!

Anonymous said...

Good morning,
I recognize Kyburz because we have a small house in Strawberry, the next little place up the road. It looks like we will have a lot of snow to shovel to get in our door there. We haven't been up there yet this year.
Kathy b

JaCal said...

Isle Dance - isn't it! ;-)

Arne - ja, titta - var för trött efter all frisk, kall luft! Tack för att du såg!

Annika - it goes very quick to drive through, don't blink! ;-)

Kathy B - oh, how fun! I think all those small places are so cute and think about the people who own these little houses and how they deal with snow in the winter when they come up for a weekend! Oh, yeah.... you have a lot of snow to deal with... you could hardly see some of the houses... completely covered under the snow...

Lullun said...

Hihi; roligt och smått gulligt! :-)

JaCal said...

Lullun - ja, verkligen en liten "stad" - tycker skylten är så kul!

Anonymous said...

Fniss! Den var för bra!

JaCal said...

Tintin - visst var den! Vi har åkt förbi några gånger - men nu fick jag upp kameran i tid också!