Saturday, January 12, 2008

My first coyote encounter

Last night, while driving home from my "girls' night out", I was thinking, "it's really dark, I should watch out for something coming out on the road", when a coyote crossed the street right before my car.

I know you can find them around there, but I haven't actually seen one. I don't think they eat humans, but I sure was happy being in my car and not walking on the sidewalk where it passed over the street. And suddenly I sort of like our high fence around our garden... because I spotted the coyote about 2-300 meters from our house...

(Picture from Wikipedia, where you can read more about coyotes).


Desiree said...

Coolt att du har fått se en livs levande Coyote! ´Jag har ännu inte sett någon sådan.

Unknown said...

They are not dangerous unless you are a cat or small dog. I live in the Mojave Desert where coyotes are part of the landscape. They are wonderful! I know I'm home when I hear them howling in the night. Ulla Lipp

JaCal said...

Desiree - ja, det var lite coolt faktiskt. Har inte sett någon, bara läst om dem.

Ulla - haha - good to know! He didn't look too scary. I do think he (or she for that matter) was moving around in a bit too populated area and way too close to the highway. I hope he/she finds her way out... I have never heard them - must see if I can find something on their sound online - would be interesting!

sapphire said...

He's beautiful. What a great shot!!

JaCal said...

I liked the picture too. I wonder if the photographer was in the car or outside... ;-)