Monday, December 03, 2007

December weather and Christmas shopping

My lovely home town is not really showing its best side... it's been gray, rainy and cold. If you could raise your head in the wind and rain you would see the advent decorations in the windows, which of course is a nice sight. But mostly you keep your head down...

I passed by Åhléns on my way home. Picked up a couple of Swedish DVDs, Pippi-things on order from my Swedish friends in California, Lucia gowns and crowns, and the cutest "ginger spice cookie outfit" for the Son.

I ended my visit at Hemköp filling the shopping cart (which I had to "rent") with only very Swedish things; (and I have to make this list in Swedish, too tired to translate, sorry English readers) knäckformar, en lilleman, malda pommeransskal, hjortonsalt, vörtkryddor, glöggkryddor, brödkryddor, wettek-disktrasor, smågodis, and ten Swedish magazines. Too bad you can't do tax free when buying food... would save me a lot of money.

I've already packed it all (except the cheeses) in the suitcases, knowing my week is pretty intense. I just hope the weather cold be a bit better... I would like to take a look at those advent decorations...


Desiree said...

Ja man har inte direkt hemlängtan så här års då det är mörkt, kallt och blött i Sverige. Tycker att det är väldans kallt här idag då det bara är 10 grader men det är åtmistonne sol och blå himmel som det faktiskt oftast är. Det gillar jag jättemycket. Bra att du redan lyckats klara av mesta av shoppingen.

Anne said...

Shoppingen du fått till låter kanonbra, trösta dig med den i decemberrusket. Hoppas, hoppas du kan få någon riktigt bra väderdag före du åker tillbaka hem igen på lördag. December i Sthlm kan verkligen vara precis vad som helst. Hoppas du inte får nån ny äcklig förkylning utan får vara frisk i alla fall! Dina Åhlénsinköp var jag sugen på....dräkten för sonen låter så söt.

Ally said...

I love that you also buy Wettex. I do think I'm the only person who imports those green Vileda sponges.

I'm so sorry you had such a hell trip, I'll hold my thumbs that your trip back goes better.

Drink some glögg for me!

JaCal said...

Desiree - ja, blå himmer och sol gör ALL skillnad i världen! Brr! Stockholm kan ju också bli så rått. Ja, skönt att vara klart med shoppingen.

Anne - ja, jag hoppas verkligen det... hade faktiskt varit roligare att gå runt i snöskor...

Ally - the green Vileda sponges - åh, have to check them out too... I get the Swedish dish brushes... Maybe we can exchange Swedish cleaning supplies tips? ;-) Promise to drink glögg for you - lot's because I'm COLD! Anything you want from Stockholm?

Atom Salad said...

Funny! I just came back from a great trip visiting my daughter ( and I also brought back disktrasor! (The US customs folks probably wonder what all these women are doing bringing them back from Sweden!) I bought a couple of packages like yours but will admit for falling for the really cute (and expensive) ones at the Design Torget as well (ones with a moose and one that says in Swedish not to cry over spilled milk). I'm giving them as Christmas presents!

I also brought three packages of knäckebrö amazingly yummy one (spisbröd) made by Pyramid bakery ...sourdough and delicious!! And, the vörtkryddor and glöggkryddor as well.

I live here in Berkeley in the land of artisan bakers. I'm wondering if I could find one with a wood-fired oven who'd be willing to add a line of knäckebröd. I think Californians, especially Bay Area folks, would really go for it!

love your blog!

JaCal said...

Sally - haha - Yes, I've always wondered what the customs people would think. I was chosen for extra inspection in Chicago once. I hardly had any clothes, but an extra Swedish keyboard, books and other "weird" things... DesignTorget is very nice... I haven't had the time to stop by this time. Good for my wallet... I would be found if you could find freshly baked knäckebröd! Hope you had a nice stay in Sweden and saw a bit more of the sun than I have so far...