Sunday, October 14, 2007

Finally in Stockholm

After a pretty quick trip (I didn't even have time to sleep...) I arrived in a rainy Stockholm. I had almost seen all the movies on the inflight entertainment system - how ever that is possible considering the rate of movies I see these days. I read books and newspapers instead. Oh, how great to read a paper version of DN! I even read the sports section!

The older man next to me farted the whole trip. Gosh!

I really wonder what the airport staff opening the doors to the airplane upon arrival thinks about the air quality inside the plane...

I managed to get downtown in record time due to early Sunday morning traffic and a complete racer driver.

Went straight to bed for a couple of hours to minimize jetlag and then up and went outdoors for fresh air and daylight and had a light evening meal. Tha's my trick for jetlag - works every time!
It is raining in Stockholm, but when you haven't seen rain in a couple of months it's kind of cozy...


Anonymous said...

Gosh! Inte roligt att sitta brevid en gubbe som fiser hela vagen..urk.

Anonymous said...

Trust you to get the flatulent guy!!! Too funny!

Isle Dance said...

LMSS!!!!! How horrible!!!!! :) If you watch "Men in Trees" you would have laughed at the new episode. Too funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha, jag kan inte sluta skratt :)
Jaaaa, undrar verkligen hur personalen som står direkt utanför dörrarna när de öppnas upplever den instängda flygluften. Inga rosor och parfymdoft direkt som väller ut då dörrarna öppnas....

Anonymous said...

My husband said it always helps to have a tail wind to get you there quicker! Lol!

JaCal said...

Veronika - nej... det var vedervärdigt faktiskt...

Britgirl - wait and see until it's your turn to fly... ;-)

Isle Dance - Yes! No, haven't watched Men in Trees...

Anne - det måste ju vara hemskt!! Hua! ;-)

Britgirl - could be true - haha!