Tonight it's Harry Potter night. As in the rest of the world. We're almost last out here in the pacific standard time zone... The Swedes will have had 9 hours to read the book once we'll get it. In New York, they have already started...
I'm a Harry Potter-fan. There is something about this magic thing that I really like. I wonder what I would have thought had I been a pre-teen (but as they say, "always young at heart"...).
Anyway, since I didn't order it through Amazon, to be delivered with Fed-Ex like book 5, my options tonight is to either go over to Borders (like book 6) to pick it up or drive over to Safeway, a grocery store open 24 hours that also will release it at midnight. Probably without the long line at Borders... But then, also without the magic... We''ll see.
Still a couple of more hours.
The interesting thing is that in Europe, they're releasing the book with two covers, one "adult" and one "children"... Maybe European adults are more picky on what they want to show off they're reading.
I actually like the American cover version more (the one at the top in the column to the right). I just love the illustrations by the artist Mary Grandpré (check out her website for some more of her work).
I headed to Borders just to see all the people - kind of fun to see this plaza, normally deserted at midnight full with people. Then I drove over to Safeway to pick up the book and got one of the three books that were left...
Ooh isn't it fun?
I'm usually up very late anyway due to being an insomniac and it's not as if I can usually go anywhere at that time of night. Well going to night clubs or bars as a married woman with kids isn't really on my agenda!
My kids don't want to dress up but if i had the clothes, I probably would even do that!
Might see you there, Jacal!
Ok read the update.
I only thought after, that we should have arranged a proper time to meet.
Never mind. I always think a bit late I'm afraid!
Lucky you getting one at Safeway. We got there way too late!
Jag har inte läst någon av böckerna, men nu när till och med min chef har läst dem så kanske... Han är snart 60 bast! Jag har nog missat nåt. Kanske.
Wow vad mycket folk! Hoppas du fick tag i ett ex. Jag gillar också Harry Potter magin. Jag har dock inte läst den näst sista ännu. Det är härliga böcker med mycket fin fantasi.
Miranda - too bad we missed each other and yes, I was lucky to get my book. Saw it at both Costco and WalMart today however... Crazy night... ;-)
Matilda - jag läste första boken mest för att försöka förstå varför det var sån uppståndelse (men sen läser jag nästan allt). Sen blev jag fast. Du kan ju läsa den första och se om du gillar den. Jag gillar hennes fantastiska fantasi och lek med ord (har bara läst dem på orginalspråket)
Desiree - och då syns knappt några på bilden - de står hundratals människor i kö till höger upp i bilden, kön ringlade sig längs hela plazan... ja, det är verkligen fin magi!
Här uppe i Canada har vi de två understa omslagen, en "adult" and en "children. Jag har inte läst någon av böckerna, men har tonåringar här som kastade sig i boken igår.
T&T - ja, det verkar vara en helt amerikansk version. Jag undrar verkligen varför de valt så olika omslag.
YAY for you! Smart move. Fun photo of the people.
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