Thursday, July 19, 2007

How can she walk?

I watched the "documentary" on Victoria Beckham's arrival in California on NBC tonight... It wasn't well received by the critics (surprise!).

I'm amazed how this woman can walk without tripping over - she is not wearing anything less than 10 cm heals. All the time... Even when she is pitching for the Dodgers...

The funniest part is when she meets her "neighbors" who has invited her over. That part starts 5.30 minutes into this video...

Do people like that really exist...??


Anonymous said...

Yes her neighbors did seem a tad creepy! I wondered if it was so she could look so pretty among them. I mean some of them looked just plain weird!
I also thought she came across as well, spoilt, but then I guess she is! I would have liked to see more of David as would probably a lot of women!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I bet she wears crocs when no one else is around!!!

JaCal said...

Miranda - totally, completely weird... you sort of wondered if it was for real... Well, when she was caught by the police, she was wearing flat shoes apparently. I thought she look really ridiculous when walking in those crazy heels...

Desiree said...

Jag tyckte att videon var kul. Speciellt roligt var det när hon frågade frun i huset hon var på lunch hos om hon hade inrett själv.

Ulrika said...

Oh ja, LA e fullt med liknande kvinnor... Min egen mother-in-law e en typ likadan. Fast utan plastikoperationerna, hon e faktiskt Hollywood vacker utan. Men ringarna som ser ut som om dom kommer fran Buttericks har hon, men dom e the real shit. Och visst e det kul att titta in. Victoria tycker jag mest synd om. Hon e ganska tragisk.