Wednesday, July 18, 2007


We had clouds today! Lots of them. Actually all morning was kind of gray. That's when we head outdoors, to enjoy the cool air and to actually spend hours outside without getting toasted. It's so rare in July it actually makes the headlines...


Anonymous said...

Yes it was a very North European day wasn't it? You weren't quite sure if it would rain or not.
It's so consistantly sunny here that it is very noticable when it's not!

Desiree said...

Lustigt, här vill man gärna ha moln. I Sverige vill man ha klart väder eftersom mulet väder är så vanligt.

Anne-Marie said...

I går natt regnade det här och det är helt klart ovanligt (jag skrev om det på min blogg). Moln är verkligen välkomna eftersom det är soligt så många månader. Nu skall det tydligen bli varmt igen.

Anonymous said...

Waking up I though it was just the normal fog we get here in Santa Cruz, but when I stepped outside it was actually raining a little. Strange weather!


JaCal said...

Veranda - wasn't it just so nice!! The sun came back in the late afternoon - but for a couple of hours it was pretty cool!