Hm, I replied.
Now, this is a type of a cat that I would NOT like to meet when on and about. However much I do like cats too. They look... evil. I think I actually would prefer meeting a fuzzy male lion.
More than half of California is mountain lion habitat.
Mountain lions typically avoid people the sign at the zoo said. And if you happen to meet a mountain lion, the recommendation is not to run; instead, face the animal, make lots of noise and try to look bigger by waving your arms or your clothes. You're free to throw rocks or other objects.
Note to self.
Do not run. Look bigger.
(Picture from The Californian Department of Fish and Game)
ser ju et att vara en kraftfull - och stilig kisse...
Det är det jag gör med min elaka bondkatt. Fast hon stannar envist kvar. :)
Which of course is not all that difficult for some Americans! ha ha!
(Sorry Americans I love you really!)
Låter lite som instruktionerna Jonas Gardell gav om man träffar på en haj i Australien (om du har kollat på filmsnutten på AMs blogg)..
Fia... jo... de två de har på zoo är STORA...
Dosiss - haha!
Miranda - ;-)
Petra - haha, ja... jag undrar jag om jag skulle komma ihåg det där om jag mötte en...
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