But sometimes I go nuts. Where I live the summer lasts until October. Until then we walk around in sandals, go swimming and wear summer clothes. I don't care that the "back to school" season has started and that "fall" is here soon in some parts of this huge country.
It's summer! And I need a beach umbrella!! A simple, easy beach umbrella in any color. And I can't find it anywhere. The stores are filled with pencils and school backpacks. I've given up and are researching online stores.
I still have about three months worth of use for one.
Smart move! I do 90% of my shopping online and wouldn't have it any other way now. I send lots of luck. :)
Damn...I'm feel soooo sorrrrry for you ;-) Pooor pooooor you having to live in such a horrible place you cant shop by the seasons (I hope you can se the glimps in my eye ;-) )
Håller helt med dig. Här kommer det också att vara sommar i flera månader till. Visst är det irriterande när det inte går att få tag saker bara för att det inte är säsong.
It's strange isn't it? When we first moved here I went looking for a sandbox for the kids to put up in the grandparents garden. "We don't have any right now, they're not in season," they told me at Home Depot. I thought that was the funniest thing ever. The sun was shining, it was warm - how could it possibly not be sandbox season, every day is sandbox season here! But native Californians just don't get it, they seem to think the whole thing makes perfect sense. Weirdos.
Yep, they've all been brainwashed into buying when they're told!
Bless em!!
I needed a cardigan in mid summer last year. (It gets very cold in our local supermarket!!) Do you think I could find many? Nope! Only a crazy European would want a cardigan mid-summer!Wrong season-go away crazy British lady!!
Isle dance - I actually do to - but sometimes I wish I could get something right NOW instead of wait for shipping...
Cia - haha - yes, a real "i-lands" problem like we say...
Desiree - otroligt irriterande. Dottern växte tre skostorlekar för två år sen - behövde nya sandaler i augusti - nästan helt omöjligt att få tag på.
Ing - isn't it just amazing that they keep to their "retail season". I wonder how many sales opportunities they're missing...
Miranda - this year I got the daughter's swim suit in March...
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