This Friday the Simpsons movie premiers. I realized I have never even seen one episode from start to finish... I hardly know the names of the characters. I do know that it all takes place in a city called Springfield (and Springfields all over the US has been competing to be the "official" Springfield city, and Springfield in Vermont won). (**Update.... and the Swedish "Springfield" is Oskarshamn...).
I actually do have the first three seasons on DVD. A Swedish friend, totally addicted to the Simpsons, gave it to me as a Christmas gift a couple of years ago. I almost ashamed to say it's still in it's plastic cover...
I just realized this series is going on its 18th year... 18!! Maybe I should sit down and see an episode just to keep up with "common knowledge"... Since the DVD box was bought in Sweden it might even come with Swedish subtitles (or as they say here, closed captioning)...
And just that could be fun for a change...
The good thing about The Simpson's is that you can pretty much pick up any episode and not have needed to watch other ones.Its also fun when famous people get involved like Tony Blair or Ricky Gervais.
I don't watch it all the time but sometimes when the kids have it on it makes me laugh while I'm cooking. I have a great empathy for Marge as I have my own little Bart and Lisa!!
Jag har kollat en del på Simpsons ibland men jag måste erkänna att det inte direkt är min favvo serie. Jag är inte så himla förtjust i just Homer Simpson. Men man måste inte gilla allt.
18 år,är det så länge?!Jösses.Jag har ALDRIG sett ett endaste avsnitt.Har ingen koll på den familjen.Har bara zappat förbi.
Miranda - ok... I'll give it a try then, knowing I don't have to watch ALL the episodes... ;-)
Desiree - jag har helt enkelt inte lyckats se denna serie - tittar nog på fel kanaler på fel tidpunkter...
Cecilia - ja... 18 år.... otroligt.
blev lite paff när du sa 18 år. herregud! Jag är iaf ytterligare en som inte sett ett avsnitt. Har fått för mig att det inte är humor jag gillar fast hur kan jag veta det när jag inte sett det *funderar*
You are not alone. The few snippets I've briefly seen can be funny, though if you decide you're not really drawn to it (due to ethics), you won't be alone, either. :)
Cissi - ja... jag med när jag skrev... vet itne heller hur jag lyckats undvika... har ju haft 18 år på mig att se ett avsnitt... ;-)
Isle Dance - I'm kind of getting curious now... maybe I have to take off that plastic on the dvd and check it out one night...
Captioning and subtitling are two different things. It is the British and Irish who think they aren’t, not Americans.
Joe - you're absolutely right - even though I'm not British or Irish, I actually thought they were the same... but as my dear Husband (who sneaks in here sometimes to check my errors...) has taught me, it's different things...
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