Monday, June 04, 2007

A place for aliens

A new amusement park is to open in New Mexico, US. An alien amusement park, Alien Apex Resort. According to the news, if you go there you will be abducted by aliens. But returned safely.

Maybe someone has finally invented the beam machine for real? I wonder if they could abduct you and then beam you to Sweden back and forth a little faster than an Airbus or a Boeing?

After all it's 2007. 6 years passed 2001 and it sure is time for a little Space Odyssey. At least between Sweden and the US.


SweFlo said...

I keep hoping there will be a Scotty to beam me to Sweden SOON, instead of planes, paines and jet lag...

Annika said...

I am looking forward to that day sooo much!

JaCal said...

Sweflo - yes. WHEN will this happen!? ;-)

Annika - yes I sure wonder what the research status is on this... ;-)