Thursday, May 31, 2007

The brand Sweden

I read today that the brand Sweden is worth 464 billion dollars. On a list of 40 countries, Sweden is number 8. The brand "USA" is number one on the list and worth a bit more. 19 725 billion dollars. I really wonder how they calculate these numbers.

Sweden is "the USA of Scandinavia". What ever that means? I just wish Sweden would be closer to the US. At least in time difference. An hour or so is enough.


Anonymous said...

No offence to Americans but i would rather have Sweden anyday...after England of course!!!

JaCal said...

Miranda - haha - it sure is cheaper! ;-)

Anonymous said...

det är UK som kommer först. USA är pa plats 10. i alla fall star det sa pa sidan dom skrev om pa DN. eller tar jag fel?