My daughter has a great rain gear set. Pants, jacket and hat. Great for playing outside in the rain, and after the rain (when everything is soaking wet).
Her set is from Sweden.
Because it's almost impossible to find here. You might find rain boots. And an occasional jacket. But I have never seen pants (ie galonbyxor) or a rain hat. I have never seen rain boots for grown-ups in any of the shoe stores around here, never. Now I do live in California, and most of the year we don't need rain gear, or socks or long pants - the less clothes (and more sunscreen) the better. But we do have a couple of months when it's raining on and off (called "winter" and the "rainy season"). And it makes me wonder, do Californian kids (or parents) never go outside when it's raining?
What about jumping the water puddles?
Jacal! Jag har sett gummistövlar för vuxna på Nordstrom och på Target!!!
Har aldrig sett galonisar ngnstans alls. Regnjackorna för barn är också ganska dåliga.
Antar att det är bristen på sådana som gör att barnen tvingas vara inne på skolan (på rasten) när det regnar. Trist...
Hm - har aldrig sett det på Target här, på Nordstroms köper jag dotterns skor (de har Ecco där för breda skandinaviska fötter) - har inte tittat efter gummistövlar där ska jag erkänna... ;-)
Ja, tycker det är hel konstigt med bristen på regnkläder - otroligt!
Jag bor i New York och här är gummistövlar för vuxna superpoppis - de finns överallt! Konstigt att det modet inte har spridit sig till västkusten...
Children in the USA are taugh to go around the puddles and not jump in the puddles. Also, why use rainpants when a perfectly good large umbrella will do? I suggest getting a large size golfer's umbrella.
Poor American children who will miss jumping the water puddles! It's even fun doing as an adult! ;-)
As a California native... American children DO NOT miss out on going outside and jumping in puddles, we have plenty of fun outside in the rain. We just get wet, while doing it, I always thought that was most of the fun. We just wear old clothes that can get muddy, wet, ripped, ruined, it doesn't matter.
When you are done you get undressed in the garage as your mom stands there with a towel, and you go to the shower.
Although I suppose that wearing a rain suit could work well, and probably would eliminate some colds that I had as a child. It just seems like an unnecessary expense to us, for the few days of rain we do get.
Wilma - well, I probably would have loved that - getting wet for real! ;-) Maybe that is the big difference - that if you live in a house here - you always have the garage to do the big change of clothes - so practical! Most Swedish houses actually don't have garages (hm... that's worth a blog post in itself.. haven't thought about that). Usually they have basements and if you are lucky, there might be an entrance to the house through the basement - where I guess you could do the same. Well, I'm glad that you didn't miss out and I'll keep my eyes open for more California kids when the rain comes back to California - maybe my kids will find some friends to jump the puddles in. I Might even dare to let them have a go without the raingear! ;-)
Puddlegear ladies! Its imported from Sweden! Bib rain pants - jackets - muddy buddies!
The woman who ownes it is a stay at home Mum from Vancouver BC I think.
Its PVC free - I think the company she imports from is Abeko.
splash on
We wanted to let you know Polarn O. Pyret is now selling these here in the US. www.polarnopyretusa.com. It's just about rain season in most places so please do check them out. We know most of you know this wonderful brand.
Linda for Polarn O. Pyret
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Customer Service
Polarn O. Pyret USA
I am so happy to find your blog. I found it searching for swedish and german rain gear. I am originally from California and recently moved to Barcelona.
When we lived in CA, we lived in the Sierra foothills, near Yosemite. The 2 schools my children went to encouraged kids to have rainboots and raingear for playing in the rain. Here in Barcelona, we are going to a Waldorf school and the kids are required to have heavy duty rain gear (hence my search). No matter the weather they play outside. The German & Swedish rain gear I have seen is much better than what I found in the states, which was more water-resistant than water-proof.
I look forward to reading your perspective of California!
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