Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A sad garden...

So I spent the afternoon outside in our own garden (since the car was... well, in the garage, resting...). We had a great day - sunny and +19C!

(but I've become lost when it comes to temperatures from living here... with long, dry, HOT summers, I put on hats on the kids when it's below +20C.... it is a bit chilly after all...)

Anyway. Last year's spring was extermely rainy. In January we got almost as much rain as we normally do in a whole year. This year, it's extremely dry. We had one rainy day in January (January 4), which is hasn't happened since 1849 (and at least that year they found gold in California). And it's been really, really cold (now, remember, we're talking California, where anything below 0C or 37F is considered "freezing temperatures"). This is causing all kinds of problems. Plants are freezing and dying.

Even our little garden is in a pretty bad state... we have to remove several plants that didn't make it through the cold...

We're not really a garden persons, we just try to get the garden to survive.

But it was still sad to see...

Hm.... I just realized that these were pretty depressing pictures... Oh, well. I promise to bring you pictures of more "happy" plants in a few weeks when spring has arrived.

The big palm tree is doing fine. I love this tree - it's amazing to see it grow. The "leaves" are huge and to remove one "leave" you have to get the saw. Whenever I feel a bit home sick, I take a little look at the palm tree. There is something about them that just makes a frozen Swede go warm...


Anonymous said...

Cut off your plants at ground level and most of them will make it back when it gets warm again


Annika said...

Sad pictures from a cold California...But spring is just around the corner.
No school today, snow day here! Nice!

Anonymous said...

Nyfiken :)Så bombar dig med lite väderfrågor.
När kommer våren till er, i februari? Och hur varm är våren? Och sommaren, hur lång är den och hur varmt har ni egentligen? Har ni hög luftfuktighet också?

JaCal said...

Berit! Great tip - I'll do that - and hope the warm spring will warm them up a bit...

Annika - Yup - Lövsprickning på de träd som tappar löv (långt ifrån alla) har precis börjat.

Anne - Oj oj en sån massa väder frågor! ;-) Jag gör en egen post om det tror jag! En väderpost!

NETTAN said...

Ååååh! Jag vill också ha en palm i trädgården! Men tror inte att den skulle gilla -25 kanadavintrar... *drömmer om att bo på sydligare breddgrader*
Förstår att den botar Sverigelängtansattacker i Februari :o)


JaCal said...

Nttan - Nä, våra stackars växter gillade inte ens -3C som jag tror var det "kallaste" under våra "freezing weeks". Och jaaa - den botar Sverige längtan. Fast i maj funkar den inte längre... ;-)