I just love to walk up there, browse around the store, drink a Italian raspberry soda, and just enjoy! Book stores are my favorite places.
Another great things now when I have kids (that is making the browsing around the store a little less "peaceful"...) is the great opening hours. My Borders is open until 10 pm Monday to Thursday and until 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays! Yes - 23.00! So when the kids are in bed, and you can finally have a little quiet time, I can sneak up to Borders and and hang out and stock up!
If the book store would have "Swedish opening hours" I would hardly ever get a new book...
jag har det omvända problemet: I Tyskland är det fortfarande olagligt att bedriva handel på söndagar (med undantag för restauranger och bensinmackar). Klippa dig en söndag? Handla mat? Glöm det... har varit här i snart fyra år och jag irriterar mig fortfarande...
I'm almost glad there aren't any bookshops open til that late in Sydney. I'd never be at home!
It is so fantastic with American book stores! Just the fact that you can read all the books, or mags, that you want and you never have to buy them. You can read when drinking coffee and eating a muffin. I love these stores...SO much! And I shop there as well (not only sneaking in). I have a Barnes and Noble that I am honestly in love with!!! Open to 23:00 as well. The best!
If they know your first name at B&N does that mean you have been there too much?
Miasworld - Hej och välkommen!! Ja, jag förstår det - är är det ju den andra extremen - men jag tror inte jag skulle få ihop vardagen om inte det inte fanns affärer som var öppna sent - vår närmsta mall har öppet till 22 på kvällarna... Det är såå skönt att åka iväg när det är tyst och lugnt...
Matilda - yes, too bad it's not the library that is within walking distance...
Annika - yes! I actually prefer B&N, but then I have to get in the car - Borders is so close.
Fia - no, it just means that they just have very good memory?? :-)
I used to love Borders when I lived in LA. You can find almost anything you want in there, including munchies too :D
The one that used to be in WTC in New York was amazing. 8 stories high and it was alway smackeded with ppl :)
Christa - welcome here! Yes - I love Borders! A new book and a cold raspberry soda in the Border's Café and I'm all happy! ;-)
Never went to the one in WTC - was there in 1993, but that was after the first bombing so they were rebuilding the area.
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