And when I asked where they have hidden it, they said that IKEA has discontinued selling Marabou chocolate!! What?? Why hasn't this been on the news? And where do I sign up to protest this decision. Where is that demonstration march?
What will poor Swedish aliens do now?
The whole world will be full of cranky, depressed Swedish aliens that didn't get their chocolate - have they really analyzed this decision and the effect of... the world economy?
For once I really hope that the sales clerks have no clue and that they mean that they are just temporarily out and order will be restored soon...
This is awful awful awful. I'll look around tomorrow for an address and we can start collecting names...
NOOOOOOO!!! Please don't say it's TRUE!!! What are we going to do? World market does not sell it...IKEA was our only outlet.
Awful news, just awful. Really.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh (gngngngnnnn)
I hate to say this, but it seems that it´s actually true. I found only a few pathetic bars scattered on the shelves at IKEA in Burbank the other day and when i asked about it they told me the same thing:Marabou chocolate is no more. At least not at IKEA.
On the bright side of it, this will give us narrowminded Swedes an opportunity to broaden our horizones. Swiss chocolate for instance is oh so yummy and dangerously addicting if you only give it a chance...
Har de inte någon ide-låda på ikea längre? här fanns de iaf förut och varje gång jag var där la jag i en lapp att jag ville de skulle börja ta hem falukorv och efter 5 års kämpande finns nu falukorv ;) Ja jag inser att det inte var min förtjänst men man kan ju alltid låtsas :) Jag tycker det är dags att göra om det. Plus jag måste nog åka till ikea här nu för att se om det finns här eller inte. Men vem vet det kanske dyker upp Marabou på något konstigt vis
Lotta K! I'm all in! ;-)
Ing! You mean there is other kinds of good chocolate than Marabou?? ;-) I'm a big fan of Swiss chocolate. And Dutch... Droste... mmm... I have once gotten a special DHL delivery of a huge box of Swiss chocolate after finding a piece of glass in one bar I got at World Market (and the product manager gave me a personal call after I sent a little e-mail complaining a bit...).
Cissi! Falukorv - oaho! Får hålla utkik efter boxen nästa gång och börja kampanjen. Ska lägga till falukorv också när jag ändå håller på... ;-)
Annika! Yes, awful... horrible...
VA?!?!?!?!?!? Ingen choklad på IKEA längre....arghhhh det FÅR inte vara sant...jag som ska dit på fredag för att köpa...ja just det CHOKLAD.
No Marabou, hardly worth a trip anymore...
Snart ryker val lakritsbatarna.
Who will feed my addiction?
Fast Scharfen-Berger fran Berkeley ar inte illa den heller.
Okey folks, nu har jag mailat IKEA och dom svarar ... "We are not showing that the MARABOU chocolate is being discontinued,
we are showing that we are having difficulties in receiving this item
from the manufacture. We recommend calling IKEA Baltimore at
410-931-5400 in two weeks, to see if they are showing any additional
delivery information."
Christmas is saved, say HAllelujah!
Well here in Montreal, Quebec we have a multitude of Marabou Chocolate Bars but what really makes me mad is that they seem to have discontinued the 1.5 Liter of Lingonsylt and now only have a very small jar with it, I used to eat it with almost all foods but alas no more *sobs*
Just too bad that it is a very long trip for me with the public transit system and I don't have a car.
Hope that you all get them soon, how much are they there in the US btw??
IKEA gör samma sak med Marabou som de gjorde med Löbergs Lila. Det blir för dyrt att köpa mårkes varor. Men försök på www.scandicfood.com eller
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