Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas magic

When I grew up, Christmas was magic. Or - at least that's how I remember them - so that means my parents did something right. Now being a parent myself, I work hard to create magic Christmases for my own kids. December, one of the darkest months even here in California,  should be a month of magic and recurring traditions. It's a lonely job, my Husband would be happy with a Christmas magnet on the refrigerator and if he didn't hear a single Christmas song he wouldn't even care.

It's not that I'm over-decorating the house or play the music non-stop - but I have a few pieces that are put up under ceremonies and I do have a Christmas playlist ready to go. But creating a magic Christmas is all about the details, not necessarily the quantities.

And creating days that are special and magic is not just about Christmas, it goes for birthdays and other days too.

When you are grown-up, you don't remember all those regular days - but those days that were made special and magic. And that's what I want my kids to remember when they are grown-up.


MrsW said...

Åh JaCal, just detta har jag bloggat om i omgångar nu i december - samt pratat med Burk-Anna om på hennes radio, "the magic" kring julen.

Jag känner lite att jag misslyckats, och jag är nästan beredd att ge upp (eller bättre uttryckt på engelska 'give in') - men banne mig, om inte nästa år ska bli magiskt också!

JaCal said...

MrsW - det är tungt om man är ensam - och i en miljö som gör det extra svårt att hitta den där magin. Jag har svurit själv ibland i min ensamhet - men gnetar på... vet att jag trots att det känns ensamt ibland kommer att skapa minnen för mina barn - även om de inte fattar det själva... ;-) KRAM Vännen!!! Tänker på dig!