Saturday, November 28, 2009


I like the American Thanksgiving holidays. A time to spend time with your family - no stress with gifts or special decorations (even though I love Christmas and I'm not really stressed out about it) - a nice break at the end of November, before the last few weeks of the year. And giving you a lot of time to put up your advent decorations.

My only problem with the weekend is that no one in Sweden hardly knows about it... and they are working as usual... and if you're in the consultancy business, it's high season. It's tricky to take off time in late November and despite efforts to do auto-answers on the e-mail etc, I still got calls on Thanksgiving, in the middle of the Macy's Parade watching, from surprise coworkers who wondered why I hadn't checked my e-mail...

When explaining that Thanskgiving is THE time of the year when almost everything is close - it's when explaining that even McDonalds is closed on Thanskgiving they understand.

Now, the fact that most things are closed on Thanksgiving Day, is matched with extremely open stores on Black Friday.. store opening at long before sunrise...


Saltistjejen said...

Hahaha! Så att säga att mackieD var stängt hjälpte alltså! ;-)

JaCal said...

Saltistjejen - japp - det är det enda som funkar. ;-) DÅ fattar alla att det är ledigt...