Monday, August 10, 2009

First day of school - and lunch box packing

American kids start school by the age of 5. The first year is spent in Kindergarten, which is usually part of the elementary school. Elementary school usually goes up to grade 5 or 6. My Daughter finished Kindergarten this spring and today it was time to start 1st Grade. She will be there for 5,5 hours every day, five days a week. You have to pack a lunch box since lunch is not provided (as it is in Swedish schools). There is a small "cafeteria" where you can buy "food" (pizza, corn dogs) if you forgot or didn't have time to pack your bag. It's kind of tricky to pack a lunch - it has to last for a couple of hours and usually you can't really heat it up - so it has to be cold.

Well, we better get used to the habit - we're going to be doing this for the next 12 years...


NETTAN said...

Välkommen i lunchpackarklubben! Ett tips - wide mouth thermos. Vi packar pasta till W i en sån, funkar jättebra!

JaCal said...

Nettan - haha... *suckar uppgivet*... ja, bara att försöka bli kreativ! Japp - har haft ögonen på en sådan - nu när hon har gått i tre veckor är det dags att uppgradera lunchbox innehållet...