Thursday, June 18, 2009

A view from the window

Midsummer - the most important weekend of the summer in Sweden. Midsummer Eve is always on the Friday the week of the solstice. And the most important question is "what will the weather be like?". Not to break a habit - it's going to rain. I'm happy that I know that I will have months and months of pure sunshine and heat when I get back to California. Living out of your rain clothes gets a bit easier then. And no, we won't be wearing our summer dresses when we dance around the Midsummer pole tomorrow afternoon. But we will be wearing flowers in our hair, picking seven flowers to put under the pillow and eat strawberry cake.

This is the view from the kitchen window on the island. Normally you can see across the water to the other island - but with the pouring rain this afternoon, it was mostly a shadow in the rain.


Jeanette Carlstrom said...

Nämen... nu får det väl ändå vara slut med allt regn. Vi har haft det kallt här men i dag blev det varmt. Jag är knäpp och trodde det var Midsommar nästa Fredag... Nu blir det smörgåstårtebak och jordgubbstårtebak snabbt som attan. Vi saknar er allesammans, kom hem snart och torka ut.

Anna, Fair and True said...

Idag verkar det dock bättre. Vi får hoppas att det håller i sig!

Annika said...

Vilken sanslös otur med vädret du har haft denna ggn. BEDRÖVLIGT!!!
Hoppas att Midsommaraftonen har liiiite bättre väder att ge...

Indie said...

I am going to Sweden in July and I've been feeling all kinds of regret that I was missing Midsommar. But reading this, I feel a little better!

I hope you had a wonderful time anyway. It sounds like you're used to such fickle weather on this particular holiday.