Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Health care

There is a lot to say about the health care system in this country - especially the insurance part - getting coverage, and the cost of it. As self employed we pay for our own health insurance and it sure takes a big chunk out of our pockets. But in return, we really feel like customers when using it - and so far - knock knock - we've only used it "regular". Yearly check-up for the kids with their pediatrician , physical therapy for back problems, eye clinic etc. And pretty regularly I get evaluation sureys after visits to the doctor, encouraging to give feedback.  

Since I have thyroid issues (I'm a post-RAI hypo patient for those that know the lingo) I also see my endocrinologist on a regular basis. I had my appointment on Monday so on Friday last week I went in to do the labs. I went in the morning and late Friday night I had a mail with my lab results. On Sunday night my endocrinologist sent me an e-mail commenting on the results. On Monday on my visit, my doctor decided she wanted to do a follow up since she felt something where I shouldn't have a thyroid, just to make sure. While in the exam room she booked me for a ultrasound at the clinic closest to me for Wednesday at a time that was convenient for me and sent in a prescription for my new dose of thyroid medication to my local pharmacy, that would be ready to pick up within the hour. The hospital where I see her have free valet parking for patients that have problem to walk from the car. And parking is of course free. 

The only problem with my endocrinologist is that she loooves Sweden and have been a couple of times and we always have to talk about Sweden for a long time before we can get down to business...  But, could be worse... She always asks about the kids and the family and encourage me to send her an e-mail if I have any concerns (and the few times I have - she has responded within the day). 

And when I look back at the years I've been here - this is pretty much how things have been (we've had the same HMO since we came). 

So far, the health care system works way better for me than the credit history system...  


Linda said...

Being back in sweden we sure miss our health care provider in US.

Here in Sweden I dont know where to call(different numbers for different things and also depending on the time and day), long waiting time on the phone, the other day we got disconnected from the phone line after 20 min. No one knows who you are, you are just a personal number. The service was so much better in US, I felt more secure there, I know they did what they could to help us, here you have to read in to everything yourself to make sure everything is done properly.

But the sick leave reimbursement is better here in Sweden at least.

Anna, Fair and True said...

Skönt att höra att något funkar! (I alla fall om man har tillgång till sjukvård. För det är ju det som är problemet i USA. Sjukvården är BRA, mer än bra, men når ju så få i jämförelse med andra länder). Jag är i alla fall hittills mycket nöjd med den svenska sjukvården. Enligt en svensk undersökning är ju de som är minst möjda med svensk sjukvård de som haft minst kontakt med den; dvs de grundar det på en massa vanföreställningar! Sådant jag skrivit om sjukvården: http://annafairandtrue.blogspot.com/search/label/Healthcare

JaCal said...

Linda - having a HMO sure make things easier. Not sure you have the same experience if you had another type. Things are so easy - and quick. I haven't had anything to do with the Swedish health care system in awhile - but followed my mom's adventures trying to get care and that sure hasn't been the same experience as here with our HMO. I can always get an appointment the same day - always.

Anna - ja, sjukförsäkringsfrågan är en helt annan fråga med stora utmaningar nu och framvöver. Det finns nog mycket vaneställningar om sjukvård - möter många sådana i Sverige om den amerikanska av dem som aldrig varit här eller haft kontakt med den (och som också just blandar ihop frågan om sjukförsäkring och sjukvård - något man ju inte på samma sätt behöver skilja på i Sverige). Jag har inte så mycket synpunkter vad gäller svensk sjukvård och hur den fungerar eller inte fungerar - har haft för lite med den att göra på väldigt länge nu. Mer än vänninors problem att komma in på överfyllda BB i Stockholm och min mammas äventyr i vårdcentralsvärlden, och mormors försök att boka läkartid i Gävleborg Läns Landsting där de införde ett centralt nummer för hela landstinget - men hur representativa dessa verkligen är vet jag inte. Kanske har många samma upplevelse som jag har här - att de blir personligt omhändertagna, vårdtider inom loppet av timmar eller dagar, utvärderingar efteråt - men att det försvinner i bruset av annan rapportering baserad på vaneföreställningar. Jag hoppas det!

Ally said...

Your Sweden-loving endocrinologist reminds me of the time I needed an emergency pelvic exam. During which the doctor proceeded to share all he knew about his friends from Norrland. "Excuse me, could we discuss this when you're done 'down there.'"

JaCal said...

Ally - ;-) Sometimes I wish I could just anonymously pass - my accent is bound to have people asking and talking. Sometimes you just want to blend in... My former dentist was a real talker... asking question when you had 10 different things in your mouth...