Thursday, February 05, 2009

Back in California

After my little detour through New York from Sweden I'm back in California. My broken bag arrived 12 hours later, but since I was going home I didn't mind actually. I got it delivered to the door and didn't have to drag it on the long term-parking bus, and over the parking lot and in and out the car. The only ones who minded were the kids who had to wait for their gifts.

My stop in New York didn't do too much for my jetlag - it is still as bad as usually and I'm just as grumpy and crazily tired, despite clocking in almost 10 hour nights. Oh, well. I should be out of it in a couple of days and then I can start enjoying the spring that has arrived here. The trees that looses their leaves are already starting to get new ones!


Anna, Fair and True said...

Det är ganska smidigt att väskorna kommer på avvägar på hemresan faktiskt(så länge de inte är försvunna för alltid) just eftersom man får de hemskickade. Hände när vi åkte hem från Sydafrika men det hade ju inte varit så kul om det hänt när vi åkte dit

JaCal said...

Anna - japp! Bara man inte har ost som jag brukar ha när jag kommer tillbaka... ;-)

Anna, Fair and True said...

Haha ja, då kan det ju bli lite jobbigt!