Both in the terminal I always depart from on my way to Sweden and by the gate I always leave from at Stockholm-Arlanda, they have opened new coffeehouse. A Starbucks here and a Robert's Coffee at Arlanda.
I love the smell of coffee, but I don't drink it, and as a non coffee drinker these coffeehouses also drives me a bit nuts...
You can imagine the line to these places in an airport terminal, full of people stressed to get to their gates, and still ordering "one extra mocha latte grande extra hot no foam fat free milk extra cinnamon". For each order the line just grows longer and longer, and I, who just wants a bottled drink and maybe a pastry, usually just give up. But maybe for an addicted coffee drinker, it's almost worth missing your flight for your personal, very special coffee order.
Working as a barista in a coffee shop in an airport terminal must be the worst job ever - oh, the stress. Maybe I would be doing them a favor, being the customer that orders something simple such as "a bottle juice and a bagel, please".
Hahaha Ja alla dessa personer med sina "specialare"!!!!!! ;-)
Man slutar aldrig förundras i Starbuckskön...
It's funny really because I think I more love the smell and the idea of coffee than I actually like it for itself.
I find it makes me thirsty and for me personally to enjoy it,has to be quite sweet which makes it less healthy.
I bet they feel so happy when someone like us goes and orders something that they can just pick up and hand us rather than slaving away while the line grows over various noisy machines. In fact I think there should be a line jump option for us! Lol!
I'm a coffee drinker but I like the smell of coffee even more. Don't you ever get the complicated chai latte or a fruity ice tea?
Saltistjejen - ;-) Jag tycker det är så kul att alla har så extremt olika favoriter. Lite spännande att höra - om man själv inte står i kön... ;-)
Britgirl - I hope they fell happy when I have my simple order - haha! And yes - a jump option for easy customer.
Anna - I love the smell and every time I try to convince myself to drink it, I get so disappointed... ;-) No, I'm a very boring (or easy, depending on the perspective) customer - no complicated orders for me.
De har öppnat en Starbuck's på Kastrup också - men jag såg inga längre köer där när jag var på väg tillbaka till PR. Jag föredrar en röd pölse istället för en kaffe, men det var ganska länge sedan jag åt en sådan på flygplatsen (men det har hänt, speciellt som man oftast inte får ngn mat nuförtiden på de europeiska planen)..
Och hade jag beställt en kaffe så skulle det vara en vanlig latte, rakt upp och ner - inga krusiduller ;-)
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