Friday, May 23, 2008

Oh, the places she'll go

Today I attended my first American graduation. My Daughter's preschool graduation. The first one in a (hopefully) long run of graduations. She was totally unmoved and was just plain happy. I was totally sentimental (my gosh, I'm going to become one of those embarrassing moms with a kleenex box... ).

I had gotten her a graduation gift, the book "Oh, the places you'll go" by Dr Seuss. Dr Seuss is a very loved children's author I knew nothing about before I moved here. When you read his books, you realize that they are totally untranslatable. A translation would make the magic in his words and rhymes completely lost. I'm so happy my Daughter is bilingual and will be able to enjoy Dr Seuss.

"Oh, the places you'll go" is a great book. All grown-ups should read it. Actually, it probably makes even more sense if you're a grown up.

This is how the book starts;

"You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go. "

Dr Seuss illustrations are fantastic. Just look at this illustration from the end of the book, illustrating the words;

"And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)


Actually, I found the whole book being read online (don't you just love YouTube!?). Here is for those of you who have never read this book! Listen carefully when they get to the part about "The Waiting Place"...


Anonymous said...

Wow! I enjoyed that! It was like a bedtime story. I actually have never looked at this author's books as my kids are a bit passed it. (or so i thought!) I will have to give this to my son who's graduating elementary school in a few days as i think that the words in that are useful to just about anyone!
Maybe "The Cat in the Hat" is good too!

Saltistjejen said...

Jag hade inte heller hört tatals om Dr Seuss innan vi flyttade hit. Men detta verkar vara något alla barn här växer upp med. Ungefär som vi med Astrid Lindgren. Böckerna verkar otroligt omtyckta, älskade och populära, men jag har tidigare inte fått ngt direkt smakprov förrän nu. Skoj!!

Linda said...

Hans böcker är underbara, vi hade med ett gäng i flyttlasset tillbaka till svedala :)

SweFlo said...

Dr Seuss rocks! Hade aldrig hört talas om honom, men maken insisterade på att vi inhandade hans (i princip) samlade verk. Kanonbra, och alltid med en bra undermening. Horton Hears a WHo kom ju ut på bion nyligen, den är söt, med deddelandet att alla personer är lika värda; "a person is a person no matter how small".

Anonymous said...

Åh! Jag önskar att mina barn kunde engelska..... Själv har jag "The Cat in the Hat Beginner Book Dictionnary", som min mamma fick när hon var au pair.... Den är helt vansinnig och alldeles underbar och rör till de enklaste saker och jag skulle gärna ha fler böcker av Dr. Seuss!

JaCal said...

Britgirl - yes this one is really for older too... actually more for your son that my daughter probably. I like DrSeuss - his play with words is fantastic!

Saltistjejen - ja, hade aldrig hört ett pip om honom - men alla här vet ju exakt vem han är och alla tycks ha minst en av hans böcker.

Linda - visst är de!! Så glad att mina barn kan läsa dem!

Sweflo - ja, de är verkligen mysiga - och hans illustrationer - oslagbara ibland! Kul att läsa för "aliens" också - med rim och spårkkrumelurer.

Magdalena - ja, de är fantastiska! De kanske kan lära sig engelska av att du läser Dr Seuss? ;-) Undra om de går att få tag på i Sverige (på engelska då).