Saturday, March 08, 2008

Saved by daylight savings

The Husband has to go to Norway for a meeting next week, so for once our roles are changed. I'm staying here and the Husband takes off for Scandinavia (with a shopping list).

Today I realized that my early morning phone meetings I planned for next week would have to be cancel, since I'm by myself with two (loud but cute) kids (who compete to answer and talk on the phone - not caring who is on the other line, PG&G, grandmom or life insurance seller (I really don't need to be listed on the "Do Not Call"- list anymore, I can just let the kids screen the calls for me).

I usually have phone meetings at 7 am in the morning, ie 4 pm in Sweden (since I work from home here in California but for a Swedish company (sort of)), which works great (schhh, my colleagues doesn't have to know I'm sometimes still in my pajamas and having a really bad hair day), as long as someone else keeps the kids away from the phone.

But (sorry for the long introduction to my main point of this post) - I just realized I'm saved by daylight savings! Because since the US changes to daylight savings ridiculously early from now on (three weeks before Europe), 4 pm in Sweden next week is - tada - 8 am in California. And at 8 am, our Nanny has arrived and I can talk undisturbed about SharePointServices, sale cases and step four in our work processes.

So this year I'm not going to complain about this stupid daylight savings thing.

But come back next year and you will hear me rant.

Anyway, I have to go now. I have 78 clocks in the house to change. We really need to cut back on clocks in this house....


Anonymous said...

Plz don't forget that you have a neighbor that would love to babysit (for free!)if ever you need to do your work and Nanny can't be around. I like doing crafts too so while you were working away, me and your little ones could be happily sticking pretty stuff with glue and crayons all over the place...the curtains,the sofa,the carpet etc etc!
Seriously,call if ever you need an extra pair of hands:)

Saltistjejen said...

78 klockor!!!!!!?????
DET var många!
Skönt iallafall med 3 veckor som du kan ha dina telefonsamtal kl 8! Nice!!
Jag gillar daulight saving time. Dagarna blir plötsligt sååå mycket längre! :-)

Desiree said...

Det kom plötsligt detta med sommartiden. Som tur var skrev Annika om det i förra veckan annars hade jag kanske missat det hela. Skönt att det blir ljusare på kvällarna nu iallafall även om man förlorade en timme.

JaCal said...

Britgirl - great! Can you come at 6 am tomorrow? I'm just going to hide the glue! Haha - just joking! Thanks - good to know! Sometimes it's kind of scary without real back up. I hope everyone stays healthy...

Saltistjejen - Tror väl inte det var 78 - kanske mer sjuttioelva - eller nått däromkring. Det tar sin tid. Suck. Jag är skeptiskt - ännu mer nu när det blir snurrigt i flera veckor med tidsskillnad. Ska de vara kan vi byta alla samtidigt. Och har man barn är det en hopplös vecka med sömn att få ordning på. Men ljusare kvällar är ju inte så tokigt alls!

Desiree - haha - ja, det är lätt att missa om man inte har det uppskrivet. Eftersom maken flyger denna helg hade vi extra koll... hade varit jobbigt att missa flyget.