Sunday, March 23, 2008

Come visit and shop

The Swedish daily magazine Dagens Nyheter today writes about the "invasion of Swedes" in the US due to the low dollar exchange rate. Well, we haven't seen any crowds so far here in our part of California - even though we do have two Swedes in the house currently.

For other friends and family that might consider coming to see us (+27C on the patio today!) and like to shop, DN did a little price comparison, to help convince you, now is the time:

Ipod touch (32 gb)
In the US: 2973 SEK ($491)
In Sweden: 4495 SEK ($742)

Levis 501
In the US: 235 SEK ($39)
In Sweden: 900 SEK

Xbox 360 Premium (20 gb)

In the US: 1800 SEK ($298)
In Sweden: 3200 SEK ($528)

Canon EOS 400 D
In the US: 3250 SEK
($537 )
In Sweden: 6000 SEK ($991 )

(Not only is the dollar currently weak, but somethings are really ridiculously expensive in Sweden... )

So if you were thinking of buying an iPod, a pair of Levis jeans, and a new SLR camera - the total price difference is almost the plane ticket...


Desiree said...

Ja det är mycket som är riktigt billigt här jämfört med sverige. Dessutom speciellt nu då dollarn står så himla lågt blir det ju rena köpfesten för de som kommer från sverige hit på semester till USA.

Hairy Swede said...

that is ridiculous. an ipod, a camera, and a pair of jeans should not equal a plane ticket.

JaCal said...

Desiree - ja, helt sjukt... HUR kan det tillåtas skilja så mycket... hualigen...

The hairy swede - isn't just bisarre...