After a pretty rain free fall, we're getting our share of rain and wind the next couple of days. We will get three rounds of storms. The first round has already moved in. It moved our patio furniture around and disorganized the kids play yard. But round two will be the worst - it will come in tomorrow morning and continue through out the day. According to the meteorologists, "wind gusts might be powerful enough to knock down trees and cause power outages". Then we'll get a a break until round three comes in Saturday afternoon.
But considering that we've had two or three days with rain during the whole fall, this is pretty exciting (as long as we'll keep our power and most of our garden...) - the sound of wind and rain against the windows really is rare...
And the meteorologists are really happy - finally some news! If you want to see an excited meteorologist from tonight's news -
click here!
Jag såg dessa nyhter på weatherchannel igår att Kalifornien kommer att drabbas av både rejält snöoväder i norr och ordenligt med regn i söder. Sköt om er i stormen.
I live in Sacramento and I saw this broadcast last night. They do get excited about storms don't they! It is really storming right now here. The power was out for a few hours, but I'm grateful that it came back on.
I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now. I enjoy your perspective on California. I was born here but I come from Swedish grandparents on both sides of my family. My parents spoke fluent Swedish but didn't teach us the language.
Stay inside today. Kathy
Jo nog kanner jag av stormen alltid...trodde fonstren skulle ga sonder i natt. Varan pool ser ut som en sjo nu. Imorgon som vi ska pa party down town.. ser inte fram emot bilresan.
Idag ska jag halla mig inne.
Det regnade och blåste som sjutton hela natten och förmiddagen. Jag som alltid tycker de överdriver och inget är värre än min svenska västkustuppväxt. Men det här var en riktig storm.
Desiree - ja... det var något makalöst vad det stormade idag...
Kathy B - hi! Yes, they finally have some serious reporting to do. Can't be easy being a meteorologist here in the summer... Too bad you lost power - we kept ours even if the lights were flickering now and then. How interesting that you got Swedish grandparents on both sides!
Veronika - ja, jösses... förhoppningsvis är det lugnare i morgon - hualigen vad det blåste idag... vete sjutton hur vi ska fixa våra tiles som blåste ner.
Lotta K - ja, det här var verkligen på riktigt. Annars är man ju lite mindre entusiastisk över deras "freeze warnings" när det är 0-gradigt och "winter storm" när det ska komma regn. Men, ja, det här var på riktigt...
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