It's Christmas Day and very quiet. Today is the "real" Christmas Day here (well, for those celebrating Christmas that is). For us who had our "crescendo" yesterday, this being the "day after", it's almost a weird feeling. We took a walk in the morning along deserted roads and ended up in a quiet and empty park. We didn't see any cars or any people. Realizing we while we were "done", our neighbors were in the middle of celebrating. On the other hand people around our neighborhood were on and about yesterday, a "normal" day, while we were spending the day celebrating.
But I, being a big Christmas fan, have just realized, that since we actually do have two Americans in the family, we really should celebrate both days.
I only have to figure out a way to break the news to the Husband...
Oh fun to enjoy both days!
now you got it! Growing up we would always have a Christmas eve dinner and we would be allowed to open one present. The rest would wait until Christmas morning. Of course the big dinner was Christmas day, but I always enjoyed Christmas eve.
Isle Dance - wouldn't that be so great! ;-)
Veranda - well, Christmas "Eve" stars already in the morning - so adding Christmas "Day" into the mix would mean 24 hours of celebrating - how great! Just have to figure out when Santa is really coming... since he is coming in person in the afternoon of Christmas Eve according to Swedish tradition... but are supposed to leave gifts in the socks over night according to American tradition... poor Santa - that's a lot of travel back and forth...
Yes it is good to celebrate both day, that is what we do here. Swedish 24 and Canadian 25. It has worked out fine.
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