Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A fun walk

Today, on the "third" and last day of Christmas, I finally took my premier Nordic walk (stavgång), using my new Nordic walking poles. I've had them for awhile, but Thanksgiving, visitors, my trip to Sweden, stomach flu have postponed my first trial.

I had watched the video that came with the poles so I was ready, knowing what to do - in theory at least. It felt a bit silly and weird for the first block - but then I got into pace. And it was really fun! It felt great! The poles makes you walk faster and steadier. I felt i could walk forever.

I got a few looks - might have been because I was just enjoying myself so much... But what the heck - I'm "Nordic" - poles comes with the heritage - right?

For me, who enjoy walking, this is a really great add-on. And with great music in my iPod and no kids around my legs, sun in my face and fresh air - a great work-out!

And I don't care that my Little brother thinks "pole walking" is the end of life, a sign of getting old. After all, I got my iPod a full year before him. It's a well established fact that Big Sisters are the coolest, and sets the trends for the rest of the world to follow.

(Picture of my Leki Speed Pacer Vario poles)


Isle Dance said...

YAY! :o)

Annika said...

COOLT!! Ja, då ska väl den här östkustdamen göra det du gjort: skaffa ett par stavar.
Det gäller att komma över den där pinsamhetskänslan förstår jag. Vad roligt att du gillar stavgång. Nu ska jag också!! Det blir ett bra nyårslöfte!!!

Desiree said...

You go girl! Klart stavgång inte pansionärsvarning på. Det är bra och skönt med motion.

Lullun said...

Super! Verkar väldigt effektivt och har själv övervägt det, men med dryga metern snö utanför dörren kanske jag borde ta med mig skidorna också. Inte min starka sida dock, det där med skidåkning. Men någon gång måste man ju lära sig (på nytt, kunde ju när jag var liten...) :-)

JaCal said...

Isle Dance - ;-)

Annika - japp! Bara att fixa nu! Det var skönt och kul och kändes verkligen! Passar mig perfekt! Gillar stavarna jättemycket - sköna handtag. Bara att dra på!

Desiree - absolut! Det är ju coolt! Senaste trenden! ;-)

Lullun - haha - ja, de finns med snö-ring på - och du får kanske kombinera med snöskor... ;-) Det var i alla fall kul. Och man ramlar inte som när man är på skidor...

ClaireWalter said...

I don't speak, let alone read, Swedish, but I infer that those comments were all to encourage you to keep on Nordic Walking. Who cares that strangers may cast an odd glance? And isn't putting down a sister one of the "job descriptions" of a brother.

Beyond that, it is refreshing to read that someone who has just started quickly got the hang of it and began enjoying it without worrying about "proper" technique.

Keep up the good walking -- with poles.

Claire @ http://nordic-walking-usa.blogspot.vom

JaCal said...

Claire - they sure were! Very nice comments! And I don't really care about the glances - I had fun and will have fun. I just checked your blog - what a great resource!! I have to check out all your links - what a job you've put into it!

All the rest of you readers who are interested in Nordic walking - check out the blog: