Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reading (some) news online

I read the paper every day. The old fashioned local paper newspaper. After that I read the news online. Some days I read more, some days less. I read both CNN as well as the Swedish major newspapers online. Reading the Swedish news keeps me updated. Sort of.

Because sometimes it's hard to get a good grasp on some new stories if you were not there... seeing it on the news, talking about it with friends and family (not with people on the bus, we're talking Swedish people here...). Sometimes news stories grow without you not realized the magnitude of a story - it was just one headline of several when checking the news online from here.

The last couple of days' major news story in Sweden is about Carnegie, a financial institution in Sweden. They have obviously done something bad, which had some connection to the government. When I'm reading the top stories today I realize that I have absolutely no idea about what's going on... When trying to update myself, I realized that this is a story that has been going on since this spring... For months. Reading news online sure can be subjectively selective...

Oh, well. After all, I do live 8506 km away...


Petchie75 said...

Jacal, jag vet lika lite som du - hade inte hört talas om Carnegie förrän jag läste nyheterna idag. Grejen är ju att när man kollar på nyheterna på tv så får man "alla" nyheterna, medan man läser bara de nyheterna som man är intresserad av - ofta blir det kanske bara rubrikerna som man ser...

Desiree said...

Här är en till som inte riktigt fattar den där Carnegie historian. Jag orkar liksom inte sätta mig in i den heller.

Annika said...

Och inte jag...märker att jag bara skummar rubrikerna i tidningarna när de tskrivs om C historian.

JaCal said...

Petra H - det är ju sant - då kan man ju inte "skumma" - haha! Ja, jag måste verkligen helt struntat i att läsa om detta...

Desiree - gjorde ett tappert försök igår - men gav upp. Snart har det ju blåst förbi det också...

Annika - skumma var ordet...