Thursday, September 20, 2007

Great Swedish online shopping

When I was going to Sweden for five weeks this last summer, I stocked up on "rainy day toys" beforehand. I made a big order from and sent it to the grandparent's summer house. It was quick, easy and I didn't have to bring toys from here, and didn't have to sent the grandparents downtown for toys. A couple of puzzles, some play doh, a train set, drawing books.

Five weeks in Sweden in summer can mean five weeks of pouring rain so we had to have a "rain plan"... Now it only rained two days so the kids spent most of the days outdoors, but the toys can be used next year and the upcoming years.

I've used Lekmer before, getting birthday presents for my nephew in Sweden. They even gift wrap! And you get a confirmation mail when things have been shipped etc - it's just been a breeze using them - just like the online sites I'm used to over here. Great when you have a birthday to celebrate in Sweden, but can't be there, and don't want to send things from here, risking it gets stuck in customs or get lost cross Atlantic.

I just got an newsletter from the store, saying the have added more Bamse things. Now, being a Swedish alien with kids, you kind of melt when you see wooden toys with Bamse, or fun things with Pippi...

Anyway - this place do ship internationally if you feel a sudden urge for a Bamse "bultbräda i trä"!


Desiree said...

Tack så mycket för tipset det låter helt klart interessant som julklapp och födelsedagspresnter till små.

BritGirl said...

Oh its so nice to see some traditional toys especially as half the plastic stuff is being returned now at such an alarming rate!
Maybe I could buy something for when we have guests with small children as I'm fed up with the sight of the things we have kept!

Robbi & Helen said...

Tack f6r tipset! :)
Kommer helt klart använda mig av denna sajt till jul och födelsedagar framöver. Blir så mycket billigare än att skicka hem från Australien.

JaCal said...

Desiree - ja, jag är alltid på jakt efter bra svenska online sajter som kan fixa presentinslagning etc... Ibland vill man inte skicka blommor till födelsedagen.

Britgirl - yes, is scary with the recalls. Not that I know where these Swedish toys were actually made.. might have been made in China too...

Robbi&Helen - varsågod! Ja, för er borde det verkligen vara ett alternativ - både med porto och tajma leverans. Jag har skickat julklappar härifrån också. Hittills har det funkat perfekt! Ja, de levererar ju inte till dörren som här i USA - med FedEx, UPS etc - men bortsett från det så!