Friday, August 03, 2007

A Swedish fan

I had an appointment with my endocrinologist today (to make a long story short, I'm a "post RAI hypo" patient for those who speak thyroid-lingo). I had (knock knock) been healthy all my life, never visited a hospital, rare visits to the DRs office, so when my thyroid issues started a couple of years ago, I was not only new to US health care, but to health care in general. It was hard work to learn and understand and get comfortable.

Now one of my main concerns if we would move back to Sweden would be to have to do this all over again - and in Swedish! I know all the vocabulary regarding my care in English... (I'm not even sure what an endocrinologist is called in Swedish...)

Anyway, I feel sorry for the patients having appointments after me. My endocrinologist is a huge Sweden fan, having spent two weeks there a couple of years ago and keep forgetting the thyroid issues wanting to hear the latest about Sweden...

She wrote in my "after visit summary" that I should "take long walks like in Sweden" to get exercising going...


Anne-Marie said...

Förstår hur du känner att bara kunna ord på engelska inom ett visst område. När jag flyttade till USA för 10 år sedan hade inte särskilt många datorer hemma så nästan alla dataord har jag lärt mig här i USA. Samma sak med bilar - hade ingen bil i Sverige.

Anonymous said...

Thyroid problems? Join the club. I'm hypo too, as I'm sure I've written about on my blog at some point.

Isle Dance said...

I'm hearing more and more people dealing with thyroid issues. I hope all is well. Feel free to educate us in English, if ever you desire. Your doctor sounds nice!

Petchie75 said...

Jag har samma språkproblem som du i olika ämnen - jag kan knappt tala om mitt jobb på svenska... Min tandläkare är likadan hemma i Sverige, han vill alltid höra allt om mina resor och äventyr, och han är snäll nog att ta ur alla grejor ur min mun när jag ska svara på hans frågor!

Anonymous said...

Give it a few months and I'll probably have thyroid problems also!! I have everything else!!
It sounds like you have the same kind of doctors that I get. They want to know if I've met the Queen or seen Big Ben! If I'm lucky I get to spend a few minutes talking about my health!!

JaCal said...

Anne-Marie - ja, man lär sig ett helt område på ett språk - jättesvårt att översätta.

Matilda - yeah, unfortunately it seems way too common. Hope you're doing great - must say I'm surprise on how good I've been doing under the circumstances.

Isle Dance - yes, and it's especially women. I didn't even know I had a thyroid before all this...

Petra - ja, det är svårt när man lärt sig på ett språk - inte bara orden utan också uttrycken inom ett område som blir konstiga.

Miranda - I hope not - seems you have enough already.