Ok. Yesterday I was facebooking. Tonight I was craigslisting... Craigslist is an online... marketplace for everything.... job ads, services and for sale items in a very simple (and ugly) interface (yes, initially founded by someone named Craig). It's like a local eBay without the bidding and before the web designer got to work. But in all its simplicity it really fulfills its purpose.
I've put up some of our baby stuff for sale, items way too complicated to pack to be shipped off somewhere in the US using eBay. Items needing to be picked up by the seller by car.
Right now I have seven items for sale. We'll see how it goes. We sure need that space in the garage...
Har bara hört gott om listan! Hoppas du blir av med grejjerna. Har en kompis här som ofta, ofta använder sig av C-list!
btw...gick med i facobook...har typ 2 vänner, ha, ha...
Britgirl - haha - nope - not for sale! (at least not today - they've been good...).
Annika - jag har vänner som är rena Craigslist-addict och har köpt massor av smarta saker. Nu har du en vän till! ;-)
Then, how did it go?
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