Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Conversation with a multilingual

Daughter who just cut a romb out of a piece of paper: "Titta mamma, en kite!"

Mom who wants daughter to keep track of languages: "Vilken fin! Vad heter kite på svenska?"

Daughter thinks for about 2 seconds and answers "Dragon!"

(really only makes sense in Swedish...)


Liz said...

Drake! That's funny! There is a little boy who comes into the library where I work a lot and his name is Drake. I sometimes wonder how his name would be pronounced in Swedish if he were ever to go there. Or would they just try to say it in English? Hmm...

BritGirl said...

Ok so it wasn't too hard to follow...I think!
Child says "Look mommy a kite!"
Mommy says "Whats that called in Swedish?"
Child says english word Dragon.

Do i take it that the word for kite in Swedish sounds like the english word Dragon or should I give up now?!!!

Anonymous said...

Britgirl: The Swedish word "drake" means both kite and dragon.

Jacalica: Wonderful story! Make sure you write it down to tell her later on! it's really cute!

Fia said...

UUUUUUnderbart hur ett barns hjärna fungerar!!!! Den ska jag berätta för min mamma som jag ska ringa nu!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Milena!

So cute and she's so clever then!

Desiree said...

Det var ju nästan rätt ;-)

JaCal said...

Liz - that sure is a good question! I have a (Swedish) friend who named their sun Love.

Britgirl - sorry - should have explained more! It was kind of fun - sure gives you ideas how active their brains are.. ;-)

Milena - thanks! Yes, I try to document all these funny stories. And the words she has been making up - hilarious!

Fia - visst är det!!

Desiree - ja, precis... nästan! ;-)

Miss Marie said...

haha, it ain't easy being bilingual! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Oooh that's so sweet. I love when the internal translator goes a little haywire.

PS. My blogger ID isn't working so I'll use my Live Journal identity.

Anonymous said...

jag läste en gång en bok till min 3åriga dotter om en kanin unge som inte ville gå till dagis, jag frågade henne när jag hade läst ut boken om hom visste vad en unge vad, som svarde "oven", ugn på svenska är oven på englska.

JaCal said...

Marie - hi hi - nej inte lätt att hålla ordning på språken...

Ally - yes, it can be pretty funny sometimes. Did you get my MeetUp reply?

Viktoria - haha - ja samma sak. Inte lätt att hålla ordning på språken!

Anonymous said...

I did get your reply. My son is back in school, I've injured my knee and frankly I wasn't sure which time would be best to call you. Let me know and I'll give you a buzz.