And we quickly started going nuts over these measurement units! Ok, there are three - 3 - countries in the world who has yet to officially use the metric system. Liberia. Myanmar. And the US...
We used ClosetMaid's own website to try to figure out what pieces in what sizes we needed, and a metric/US customary unit tape measure - and - a calculator - to our help . But not even ClosetMaid seems to have decided on weather to use inches or feet and kept blending these two freely, making poor metric-using-aliens go absolutely nuts.
The complete insaneness in this system...
Finally we got the material we needed (we think... we're not done... doing the measuring thing too way to long, only one closet is done...) and the Husband could take off for Home Depot, the mecca for home builders...
I have to figure out a way to make my kids be measurement bilingual...
Hoppas ni fick till det. Jag håller också med om att USA borde gå över till det metriska systemet. Det är ju ett logiskt system som inte deras virvarr av inches, feet, yards mm är.
Jo, till slut gick det... men jag blir TOKIG på detta... gaah!
Add Canada to that list - although officially a meteric country for 20 some years... forget it, it is still feet, inches and such not understandable units - we are too close to the US to let go...
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